Jerky drier - DIY

JC in GB

New member
Good day all.  I wanted to put together a DIY jerky drier for my 3.5D. I had some parts laying around so I hacked this gem together.

I mounted a DC power supply and a PWM controller on top of a blower fan.  The fan sits atop a soup can that will sit over the exhaust port.  I will be drilling the proper size hole in the bottom of the can to fit the smoker exhaust port.

I am going to use JB Weld or perhaps just silicon RTV to secure the fan to the soup can and use magnets to hold it down over the smoker exhaust hole.

I got the incorrect fan for PWM use so I added a diode and capacitor to make it work.  Not great speed control now but it will be sufficient.  Replacing the fan with one that will accept PWM control will be a future update.

JC  :)



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It will.  It is a centrifugal blower so it should create a good vacuum.

I added the PWM to tailor the airflow.  I would probably turn it lower as the jerky gets drier.

JC  :)
The 120v axial fan I used doesn't have speed control but it is AC and plugs directly into an outlet so no adapter required.  And the speed/CFM works great for me.
Do you know what the CFM of the fan is?  Also, I have better access to DC fans so I prefer to use them.  AC fans are quite handy though.

JC  :)

Well, first attempt was a failure as magnets don't stick to non-ferrous metal. DOH!
??? ::) ;D
Seeing as magnetism has failed me, I will be going to try and use gravity to do the hard work.

I am going to make a sacrificial mold and fill the can with mortar. That should provide sufficient mass to hold the can in place.

Forgive my clumsiness on this site I am a bit new.  I could not find the picture of your set up.  :-[

Can you help me out?

Here are 2 pictures.  The second one shows the slot I cut in the base for thermometer cords.


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    Jerkey dryer slot.jpg
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Gave me drier a try last weekend.  It worked quite well.

I don't think I needed the speed controller on the fan.

Excellent! Looks great!

As for the sturdiness, I also used heavy PVC as my base for my fan, just like what Lonzino has shown.
I didn't have any proper PVC on hand so I went with my next best option.  A Mason jar lid.

It worked surprisingly well.  I was amazed to see how much steam blew out of the cooker when I first energized the fan.
