James jerky dyer for dehydrating?


New member
Looking to possibly to get one if these for Christmas. I know you can use it with jerky but can you use it for other things like dehydrating peaches, bananas, etc?  I obviously would use a different grate if it can be done but wanted to ask prior to purchasing. Thanks.
I'm also wondering if the James jerky dryer works well for doing non-meat products. I suppose specifically, will all my dried fruits and kale chips have a meat/smoked taste?
I am thinking they would have a smoky flavor which i am not opposed to but wanted to put the question out there. I have a dehydrator already so not crazy about spending 80+ shipping for the dryer to get some smoke flavor if i can still use my dehydrator.
I love the dryer for jerky, but have never used it for dehydrating.  I would think that if you wipe the interior down good, clean the smoke box, and foil as normal, you wouldn't get much of a smoky flavor, but I could be wrong.  Dehydrating is just heat and air movement, which the SI & dryer do very well.  If you ever intend to do sausage or jerky, or want to make some good smoky chipotle peppers, the dryer is fantastic, and worth the money.
Do you use the dryer when you do cheese ir pretty much for jerky and sausage, etc?  I can still use my dehydrator for fruits inside which is fine.
DivotMaker said:
I would think that if you wipe the interior down good, clean the smoke box, and foil as normal, you wouldn't get much of a smoky flavor, but I could be wrong.

I think if you have previously smoked meat in your SI, it will need more than a "good wiping down" for fruits, etc., to not end up with at least some smokey taste, but that's just a guess. I think you would need a pretty clean interior, and that would not be worth the trouble. Seems like a dedicated dehydrator would make more sense.
Thanks for all of the replies. Think i will pass on the jerky dryer and keep using my dehydrator.  Love my si2 though. Been almost a year with it.
I have used it for cheese. But, only for the purpose of adding air-flow to prevent my A-MAZE-N from going out. Otherwise it would not be needed.