It's on the wayyyyyy!!!!!


New member
So I smoked some ribs on my WSM over easter weekend that didn't turn out the way i wanted, everyone thought it was good but i knew better. So i started doing some research on electric smokers because I'm tired of spending a lot of time tending to my WSM, valuable time that could be spent with the family. My search lead me to Smokin-it, after some comparison with the usual suspects (SmokinTex and Cookshack) it was a no brainer for me and i ordered the #3D model. I ordered the smoker on Wednesday 0527 in the morning by the time i got to work i had an email that it was shipped and it will be delivered friday :) Now that's what i call supper fast!!! The family loves BBQ and when i told them about the purchase and the fact that it will be here in time for the weekend, the orders started poring in. First will be a brisket, I'm so excited. My mouth is watering as i type this and I can't wait try out my first electric smoker!!! ;D ;D ;D Oh in all my excitement i forgot to introduce myself, how rude. I'm Richard currently in the state of MD and i have a problem, I love BBQ.
Welcome from Texas Richard! I know you'll enjoy your smoker as much as we all do! When that big box arrives you will see what the phrase "built like a tank" really means. Keep us up to date on your epic smokes with your new buddy. Enjoy!
"Hi Richard!" :)  Sounds like we're in a BBQ-Anonymous meeting! ;D

You're in for a real treat, with the 3D!  Welcome to "Club Lazy Q!"  If you have any questions, let us know.  I'll be more than happy to help you with programming, or anything else.

Congrats, and welcome to the club!
Thank you all for the warm welcome, I'm glad to have joined this forum and looking foward to gaining some more knowledge from everyone here. A special thanks to all my brothers and sisters in Arms past and present!!!!
Richard, I too used a WSM for 15 years with good results. You are going to LOVE your SI. Practically foolproof. Consistent excellent results for me, better than my WSM. And forget about all that tending, adjusting vents, mopping, spritzing and wrapping you are used to. The SI works best if you just put your meat and water pan in, leave the door closed, and trust your thermometer.
Welcome from Delaware, Richard!  Lots of good advice and recipes to try out here on the forums...I am sure your  3D will be quite busy!  Cheers
Richard, Welcome from SW Arkansas! You are among friends with the same addiction as you.  :o Congratulations on your new SI.
Look what was in front of my garage door when I got home today :D. The packaging was excellent, the FedEx delivery driver left the box on it's side and when I flipped it upright didn't even hear any moving parts. I opened it and saw the reason why I didn't hear any noise it was well packaged. Now I see what you mean Dale, like a tank. We are for casted for rain later so I assembled it in the garage and started seasoning it. Stood there just admiring this smoker and thinking of all the wonderful food that's going to come out of there.


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Congrats, Richard!  When it's programmed to time, or you don't have the meat probe in, and you see -H- in the right window, just hit the TIME button, and you'll get time instead of temp (-H- means no reading).
Thanks Tony, that makes sense. I was wondering about that, even set it a couple of times to see if I was doing something wrong. Could you guide me to a good brisket recipe for the debut.
Richard, there are tons of really great brisket recipes, under the Beef section.  Go to beef, and browse a bit (and even search "brisket").  If you don't find something appealing, let me know!  We all have a little different take on how to make the perfect brisket!  It also depends on if you want to smoke a full packer-cut (point and flat) or just a flat.  Let us know what you're thinking, and we'll help out best we can!