Issues on arrival - rust, loose screws, scratches and odd welds/marks


New member
Hi all,

New smoker here. Looking to see if the items I found on my new 3D Wifi are normal.

The pics below should do most of the talking.

Thanks for your time,


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I’ve had my 3D for over three years, so I don’t remember if there were spots like that. I don’t believe there were. Perhaps there may have been a scratch here and there, I know there are now, just seems to happen.

As for the rust, I didn’t see that, but for the welds, I wouldn’t have known a difference as I’m not familiar with welding and such. I could spot out a bad weld, but that’s about it.

With that said, I haven’t had issues (knock on wood) and have really enjoyed using it. If you feel any of these will impact the performance, contact Steve. The number on the main site, call and he will probably pick the phone up. One of the great things for these cookers, access to speak with the owner to trouble shoot when needed.

Hopefully all is ok and you get to use that smoker soon.
loose screws in your photo are where the cord hangers are attached to the smoker, the stainless steel brackets where placed inside the drip pan you received,  we always ship these smokers with the four screws loose so its easy for a customer to locate and attach the brackets.

we coat the exterior of the smoker with a water based clear wax for added protection during storage and shipping.  this finish will scratch and is not designed to be permanent

the brown area on the drip edge below the door is left over from the wax finish and can be removed with a pad and stainless steel cleaner.

Your smoker is made from 18 Ga. non magnetic stainless steel but any type of stainless steel can rust.  surface rust can be removed with very little effort using stainless steel cleaner and a pad

Please contact me directly if you have any other questions or concerns

Mine had a few spots of rust here and there on the racks and a bit of oxidization inside. One of the legs was slightly bent as well. A scrubby and some metal cleaner and rust spots were gone. Gave them a wipe with a paper towel with a whisper of grape seed oil and all was good. The slightly bent leg didn't change stability or function so no big deal. This unit traveled halfway around the world on a boat. I did that once and was in waaayyyy worse shape when I got home. That might've been the rum though.

Welcome to the forum.
Welcome to the  forum from SE Arizona.
I think SIInfo answered each of your concerns.  All should be OK.  Enjoy.