Is there a way to use pork butt juice ?


New member
I just took a pork butt out of my #1 and wrapped it and put it in a cooler to rest until I pull it apart.

I started cleaning up the smoker and when I pulled out the drip pan I saw all this delicious looking juice.  I assume it is a mixture of uncooked and cooked juice from the entire 14 hour cook.  I hated to pitch it and wondered if there is a way to safely put it back into the meat when it's pulled, or even serve it on the side.

Would boiling it for a certain amount of time kill any bad stuff in it ?
Hi Gene.  Or should it be Hygene ???  I'm surprised that nobody has responded to your question yet.  So I will give it a go.  This is only MY opinion and it's worth exactly what I'm charging you for it.  I feel that any juices that are contained in a drip pan INSIDE the smoke box is fair game.  I'd pour it into a container and let it cool to help
de-fat it and consider it liquid gold.  On the other hand,  if you're referring to those drippings that accumulate in the external drip catcher I say NO GO.  These have been contained outside the box at uncontrolled temperatures and are likely to be contaminated.  NOW, on the other hand,  I've seen here on the forum advise to not use a drip pan below your meat.  I suppose that's due to causing interference in the heat convection and maybe smoke distribution.  I have used one successfully a few times.

I'm by no means an expert here and not a health department inspector so this is just the opinion of an amateur Smokin-It user.  That's my story and I'm stickin to it.

Roger from NJ
Thanks Roger,  I tend to agree with your advice.  I was referring to the outside drip pan and better judgement says to just pitch the juice.  I can see how a pan inside and below the meat could cause unwanted heat interference, especially in my little guy, so that's out too.
I might try doing a butt in an aluminum pan sometime, but for now I probably should be happy with the results I'm getting.
Thanks, Gene
Not only is it not temp controlled but it has run through all the crud at the bottom of your smoker.
If tou do a butt in a foil pan you will have some liquid gold. Let it sit, skim off the fat, let the goodness rain....
Ive also seen a technique of smoking in a pan then injecting the juice back into the butt. Havent b.c. tried it personally but it looks interesting