
New member
So for my first brisket ever smoked I put on last night at midnight I set at 200 degrees and the probe for 195 and for back up I set C2 at 140 for 4 hours.
At 7:30 am this morn I'm walking out to shop I can hear smoker beeping!!!!! I'm like o crap!!!!!!!
I Put my hands on top off smoker and it's cold!!!!!!!  As you might think right now I'm in full panic mode. I reposition meat probe and turn it back on and the meats at 104 degrees and the meat is tuff and still pink in the middle!
I hear people talk bout getting up to 140 degrees in less than 4 hours?
I have no idea If mine did or not.
Is my brisket ruined??????
If the center didn't get cooked at all, and is still in the rare/medium rare range... I wouldn't chance it. It sucks to lose a big piece of meat, but it's better to be safe than sorry. 

What settings did you have programmed in? It almost sounds as if you had the initial cook program set by time, not by temperature.
Yes it looked rare to medium.  Got bunch of people coming!!!
Well at 7:30 when I repositioned the meat probe it read 104 degrees I keep going out and checking it and 3 hours later it's beeping again. Probe is set for 195 and it's up to 200 degrees.
So I get my thermopop out and it reads 155 ta 160! The probe on the SI is junk!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you sure that you programmed the Auber correctly? I haven't really heard of the probe being too problematic.
John, this is what I do when things do not go well. I sit down with a piece of paper and write down every thing I did in the order I did them. Step by step, button by button. I review it over 2 more times and make any changes that come to my mind. Then I am more  able to see more clearly if there was possibly any missteps I made as well as I can share the exact steps I took with someone with more experience than I who might be able to help me. This keeps it simple and also helps keep me clear headed. (I not saying your not clear headed, don't misunderstand me here) My goal is to get to the bottom of what went wrong, identify it with certainty and the remedy the situation. Hoping for a solution to come your way! Since I don't do well keeping logs this method provides me a vehicle to give my complete steps and details to others for help. Write down everything, Cut of meat, trimmed weight, injected or not, fat side up, fat side down, placement of probe, everything. As you do this it will help you remember even more details of each and every step. I know people on this forum will be able to help you get to the bottom of your issue.
Certainly sorry to hear about that, John!  Not trying to rub salt in it, but the probes are not "junk."  They are made by Auber, and are as reliable as any thermistor probe you will find.  But, they can fail.  I've used 6 of them, over the last 3 years, and have had one failure.  Usually, they just "go," they don't give random readings - you just see the -H- in the probe window, like it's not connected.  Contact Steve, and he'll most likely send you another.

Here's a couple of common things that can lead to probe failure:

1. Getting water inside it.  Although the new probes (used on the D models) are certainly more sealed than the old-style, you still don't ever want to submerse them, when cleaning.  Any water inside the probe will fail it.

2. Letting the probe, at some point, get too hot.  Folks have let a probe drop onto the smoke box and fry.

3. False readings due to placement.  If the tip of the probe gets too close to the surface of the meat, and touches the shelf, it will read high.  This usually happens as the meat shrinks, and the probe moves.

I would suggest putting the plugged-in meat probe in a pan of boiling water and see what it reads.  If it's approx. 212°, it's something other than the probe.  You might check it, before you call Steve.
after you programmed everything did you hit set again mine did the same because i didnt hit set again my probe is dead on with my mavrick
Ok the term junk was when I was in full panic mode. It failed is a better way to put it. If you look at my post and on page 4 under smoked fatty help!!!!! Which is back in May the last time I used the meat probe it did the same thing but lucky for that smoke we were sitting outside to hear the beep of the smoker.
I totally forgot that it did that but just thought it was because the meat probe was in the middle of the fatty in the cheese and cubed ham. The third time the alarm would go off with in minutes of relocating the probe I stood there and watched the the temp and the temp would slowly climb then jump 30 degrees in seconds.
? Hit the set again? If your referring to cycle it thru all 6 setting to the beginning yes I did do that.

I took my DOT thermometer and thermopop and put both in the meat close to the meat probe that is connected to the PID unit. The DOT and the thermopop were with in 1 degree of each other and the PID probe was reading 35-40 degrees higher than the DOT and  Thermopop.
I have used the probe only a couple of times before that on pork butts and it worked fine.

My 3D never sits outside and is always sitting in the shop (barn/shed/garage) when I smoke. So rain/water is not the issue at all. As for the probe I hand wash it with a wet paper towel and the probe stays in the house in a drawer while not in use.
Thanks to all trying to help as I stand here scratching my head wondering what is wrong.
Contacted Steve and he's gonna send another one.

Just a note on the 3D that may or may not apply. Mine was one of the first 3Ds and the box temp probe was placed too low and was susceptible to having drippings drop onto the probe. This would cause erratic behavior on Temps.  Although I've not yet relocated my temp probe, I do make certain that meat placement will not allow for that to happen. Thus far I've had flawless operation since. Also, I make certain to clean that box temp probe when I prepare for each smoke. Eventually, I'll place that probe higher in the box, and the newer 3D models are that way now. Not sure how many were made like mine, but I'm sure those that purchased the 3D's with that configuration will potentially encounter the same thing. So remember, don't just think about the meat temp probe, but the box probe as well. Happy Smoking.
Yes my probe is right below the top rack. Yes I clean mine to but I never put food on top rack in the back so nothing drips on it.
It's the meat probe that's going hay wire not the box temp.
Good to hear you have a new probe on the way, John!  Steve will always do what it takes.  I'm sure this will solve your problem!
After reading all this, i am curious. where does one buy a replacement probe for the 3D and how much does it cost?

i went to Steve's website but didn't see one in replacement parts. searching Amazon didn't work either
40 caliber said:
After reading all this, i am curious. where does one buy a replacement probe for the 3D and how much does it cost?

i went to Steve's website but didn't see one in replacement parts. searching Amazon didn't work either

I'm not sure if Steve has them for sale yet, Tom, but I'll check.  They are available at  It's the GPH model meat probe.  The cord is longer, but it's the same.  Our D model probes have a shorter cord.  Doesn't hurt to have an extra one on hand, just in case!
When I get new probe I will smoke a Pork butt durning the day to test unit to make sure it is working properly and report back.
Got new probe and gonna try on a pork tenderloin to night. Using the 3D probe on one and thermoworks DOT on the other loin. With a cooler of adult beverages to sit and monitor.
Let's cross are fingers Divotmaker!
Pictures to follow.

UPDATE gonna move over to the pork section since I'm doing pork  for the test on new probe.