

New member
Good afternoon to all from Gulf coast of Florida!

Recently new owner of an SI #3. Over the years have used and owned an assortment of stick and charcoal burners and had good success with them, but was intrigued w/ the SI after reading reviews on Amazon. I've lurked around a bit on the forum and everybody's excitement and passion for their BBQ pushed me to bite the bullet and buy a SI for myself.

A few mistakes I've made so far that hopefully other newbies can read this and shorten their learning curve. #1 your water pan needs to be small. Water pan size and location are critical. Smaller is better and needs to be along side the burner plate on the bottom. I tried a much larger pan on a rack over the wood box. I couldn't get the internal temp of my brisket over 170 after 24 hrs in the box. What I ended up with was a gray mushy lump of expensive dog food to show for my efforts. Some further investigation and help of fellow SI forum contributes helped me to understand the water pan was acting as a energy suck and not enough energy/heat was being transferred into the brisket. Because the SI units are so tight, little additional humidity is needed to achieve a moist flavorful result.

#2 wrapping in foil the shorten the plateau/stall doesn't  really help w/ SI.  LEAVE IT NAKED

Thanks again to those who have aided me in my quest for BBQ bliss and I look forward to continuing to learn and helping others.

My best to all!


Welcome again from Delaware, Justin!  It really is a short learning curve with the SI, so I am sure you will be turning out great Q in no time flat!  Browse around the forum boards and you will fine way to many things to try out if you only smoke on weekends, like me.  This really is a very giving forum where lots of great recipes have been provided along with great advice.  Cheers!
Sounds like you're certainly picking up what we're laying down, Justin!! 8)  Congrats, and welcome to the family!  Great to have you with us.
Welcome from Texas Justin! The #3 is a great choice. I hope you enjoy yours as much as I do mine.
Hi Justin and welcome from the Keys. The SI3s are great units-I have two of them. You will soon be making really great, and very lazy, Q.