Installing Bella on side drilled hole of 3D


New member
Hi. I’m having a difficult time with understanding how to install the Bella cold smoker into the side of the 3D.  There is a hole drilled that is plugged in both sides.  I was able to remove outside plug but inside won’t come off and I can’t get it out.  Is there any method to removing it


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Not speaking from any actual knowledge here, but it seems like if you got the outside plug/cap out then you should be able to run a long screwdriver or a small pipe (rigid copper pipe?) through and knock it out with a couple light taps.
we are a go!

took some force prying which i was trying to avoid since normally you don't wanna forcefully remove anything... but i finagled it out and got the bella hooked in .. cold smoking some soy sauce i fermented for 3 years in it now with some cherry wood branches from my garden and red oak.  :)