iGrill Thermometer

I looked into this one, as I thought the iPhone integration would be really cool.  As I researched, however, I kept finding more and more negative reviews for this product.  What's more, the vast majority of the negative reviews were very similar...complaining that the Bluetooth connection to the thermometer kept dropping.

As such, I decided not to purchase this one.

  - Phil
You guys that are interested in long-range temp monitoring may be interested in this:


You might want to ask Ben (benjammn) about the iGrill - pretty sure he had it.
Yeah, way too pricey for my blood, too.  I just linked to it so you'd see an alternative remote capability unit.  I, for one, couldn't be happier than the results I get with my Maverick ET-732.  Accurate, good remote signal (up to 300'), always faithful! ;)  I don't need to watch my smoker temp on my phone - enough junk on there already!  Lots of negatives about loss of BT signal with the iGrill.
For the exact reason that other reviewers out there mentioned, I didn't go with the iGrill for the BT losses. My Maverick ET733 is pretty sweet and has really nice coverage compared the the ET73 that I used before. I like the Tappecue for the fact that I can watch and graph my smokes on my phone. No loss of signal. Expensive, yes. Handy, definitely.
I have the iGrill. I've got an odd problem right now that I just posted of. But Bluetooth connection was NEVER a problem. In fact I'm kinda shocked how it did keep connected. Or maybe it lost and regained and I never noticed. Really it was reading fine from quite a distance. My SI2 is on my deck. My office is upstairs and one room over, no connection problems at all, even walking there.

The interface is simple, clear. And I love the graph. Especially as you are learning the smoking process. The quick rise up front, then a taper off, then the plateau... All right there graphically.

I may have damaged one of the probes. If so I can't blame the iGrill. :(