Ideal setup


New member
Just ordered my number 2, should be here in a few days....excited is an understatement.  Anyways, I searched the forum but couldn't find an answer to this question.  What is the ideal set up for a pork shoulder?... I mean, do you put a drip pan underneath, I mean should I put one directly underneath so it catches all the drippings to be used later?  Or do you let it all fall on the bottom?  And, should I use two water pans?
Hi PC!  Congrats on the #2 on the way!

For anything you smoke, not just pork butts, do NOT place a large drip pan between the food and the smoke box.  You will experience low temps and uneven cooking.  The best results come from simply using HD foil to cover the lid of the smoke box and the floor of the smoker (don't forget to poke a hole for the drain/air hole beneath the smoke box).  One water pan is sufficient, but 2 won't hurt anything. 

Here's my best pulled pork recipe:

Once you get the smoker, be sure to season it for 4 hours.  Don't foil during seasoning.  Let us know how we can help!
Thanks I'll let you know how things turn out with a boston butt I have waiting for it.  Should I apply the same setup for a brisket ?
Yep.  Same setup will be great.  If you have never smoked large cuts, like pork butts or briskets, just be ready for the "stall."  The internal temp will rise pretty fast, then the temp will stall anywhere from the 160s to 180s, and will sit there for several hours.  Let it work it's way through on its own.
Just got the #2 on Friday, did a seasoning for 4 hours, let it cool then put a butt on last night.  I followed meatheads recipe from amazing ribs, will let you know how it turns out. 

I have to say that I am impressed by it so far.