I love my Maverick


New member
Last night, at 6:15pm, I put a 7.75 lb pork butt in the #3.  Hooked up my Maverick.  Left for the hockey game at 6:30.  Came home, grabbed my Maverick remote, went to bed.  Woke up at 9:45 this morning.  I had a rough Friday night and needed some catchup sleep.  Thankfully, I can sleep now while cooking.  That's something I never could do with my stick burners.  I wake up and the Maverick Remote states 231 in the cooker and the IT of the meat is 183.  All is good.  When I did drag my butt out of bed, I went out and cranked the cooker to 250.  I need to leave at 11:45 so I'm hoping I can hit 200 degrees IT by 11:30.  It is now 11:00 and I'm at 193. 

I will wrap the pork in heavy wrap, then foil, then towels, them place in a dry cooker.  Leave for another hockey game, come home and eat.

I love this set up!
Nice!  You can also just leave it in the smoker @ 140 - makes a great "holder."  I've left butts and briskets in there @ 140 for several hours with no adverse effect on moisture.  The meat will stop cooking, and will not cool to an unsafe temp in a few hours.  When I take it out of the "hold," I wrap in foil and let fully rest for at least 30 minutes.  Works great!