I LEARNED A NEW TRICK, for me that is!


New member
First let me state that I am a young (68) and impressionable man!  Although in my current youth I sometimes give opposite outward signs of same. I have mentioned several times that I smoke my “Hunks of Goodness at 275”. I began doing this after going two years without producing
what I considered a good brisket. Also as previously mentioned I read about A. Franklin’s Brisket and the article I read said he smoked at 275 and used a mix of 50/50 Kosher Salt and Black Pepper. I understand that if you read a different article he smoked at a lower temp and even spritzing with pickle juice was mentioned I am told. Anyway, I changed two things in my endeavor to produce what I considered a good brisket, the temp (275) and going to prime grade. I did not yet switch to the 50/50 mix, I stayed with Tatonka Dust. Yes, indeed, the briskets became good, every time. So I stayed with that. Why, because it worked for me, but I still had it in me to try his 50/50 mix, which somehow I started calling the Dalmatian Rub. Can’t say where I picked that up but I did. So I tried the “Dalmatian Rub” one time and it was still good I thought, but my bride missed her Tatonka Dust. So being the bride pleasing young man that I am, I used the Dalmatian Rub but added a sprinkling of the T Dust on top of it and it became our favorite flavor profile. I didn’t realize it but I was quite proud of myself for now being what I considered a great brisket man. Eat a lot of it and while I am blessed to do so, I give a lot of it away. Even got a little too proud year before last after asking Costco to look up how hunks of Goodness I purchased from them and surprised to find out I smoked 35 that year.  Don’t even worry about them coming out anything but great anymore.Now last year I didn’t do but maybe 9. Too many broken bones, but that’s not what this babbling is about.

I was reviewing some old brisket posts, remembering some more recent ones by Kari and SuperDave, and found one post by Greg (2015) and how many briskets he had smoked in the 3 days (22). Wow, sent whatever pride I had developed about quantity smoked running. Also caught what Tony said back then, something to the effect of there is always room for improvement, or something very close to that anyway.

So says I to myself, remembering one of Kari’s post,  “Get off that 275* and smoke these next 3 at 225!” So then I decide to do what someone else had recommended and do the 1st hour lower for more smoke so I did the first hour at 190, even putting a foil boat under my wood chunks, and a pan of water on the lower rack, (thanks SuperDave). Only hitch I had was I had forgot a long while back I had programed the 4D to end at 12.6 hours for some reason. But my Fireboard let me know something was up and all was good. They went about 16 hours and not all probes were up to my normal probing IT, (could have been a placement issue). When two were, I probed all three briskets probed like butter. I suppose if I was smoking 250# like Brian,  I would after a while not check them each, but I would like to think I would. (Wonder how many smokers it takes to do 250#?)

While I coined the word “Briskitarian” and had myself a Tee Shirt made, it is clear to me now that there are a lot of better Brisitarian’s around than me. But I still prefer mine to most commercial establishments, except of course Franklins, Hutchins, and Pecan Lodge.

So some say old dogs can’t learn new tricks! I did!  Guess as I said in the beginning, I am a young man, 68 and impressionable. I do believe after a small sampling of these Hunks of Goodness done at 225, I have now joined that group.

Thanks for sharing your valuable posts!

Babbling over!

Great post! Also being a young 68 year old, I believe that success comes from having an open mind and learning from others.
Doug I'm also closing in on 68 in a few months and most certainly relate to your ramblings as I'm a fully carded rambling man...lol

The 225@16 hours has been my sweet brisket spot for a while now. Your "dalmatian" descriptor is spot on to the Tex/Franklin seasoning profile although I find it to be a little too much salt which yields a dried out tougher bark than I prefer in my smokes. I use 25% kosher salt to a 75% #8 grind black pepper lightly applied and without any other additives or enhancers ... low slow and a heavy smoke are my go to's.

Seems we Texas guys have much in common!

All the best Doug and keep on keeping on with the youngsters ...

Great write-up, Doug!  It's great to get out of our comfort zones, occasionally, and test other things.  I'm a 225 guy, too, and can't complain!