I call upon on the knowledge of the south!


New member
Calling my southern brethren and sisters!  I am a rural Scandinavian Minnesotan born and raised.  I have some southern habits due to the family I have from the south and my stepdad originally being born and raised in the south.  It throws people for a real loop when I say things like y'all with a Minnesotan accent!  We have a new clinic manager at one of our clients who was born and raised in Alabama and just moved here with her husband who is originally from here.  We do a lot of pot lucks throughout the fall and winter and I have promised to try to recreate as best I can at least some of the flavors she's used to.  Here is all that I THINK I know so far:

*When I bring Mayo for sammiches or for anything else I need to buy Duke's mayo.  I don't know what makes it different/better but according to her it is the best and I'll gladly try anything new!
*When I bring chicken I need to use white sauce.  I actually know what this is from travel channel though I have never bought nor used it.  I want to buy a bottle from Big Bob Gibson to get an idea of what it tastes like and then make it myself.  As I understand they are one of the first people to make it or at least one of the more famous places to do it but please correct me if I am wrong!
*When breading and frying anything people in the south tend to use cornmeal and up here we use crackers.
*Fried green tomatoes are great (one of my favorite things my grandma used to make)
*When doing breakfast pot lucks make biscuits and gravy.  I actually am pretty good at this as my southern grandma taught me this one and I even do it in the same size and brand of skillet she owns!

Please help me understand other flavor profiles, ingredients, cooking styles, and anything else from the south that I can recreate in food so I can make her feel as welcome as possible here!  Don't have to limit it to BBQ!  I'm love cooking food and flavor styles from different regions anyways so this will be a lot of fun for me
Off topic as far as the southern food, but wondering, as a Scandinavian, do you like lutefisk? I absolutely LOVE it!

As far as Alabama/Southern foods, one of my favorites is shrimp and grits. I often serve grits with pork chops too.
Ha yes I eat lutefisk as well!  I usually make it once a year around Christmas but skipped last year when I moved to my house.  My neighbors when I lived in my apartment HATED me when I made it but that was just payback for everybody else's bad cookin!  ;D

Ahhh grits I forgot that one!  I'll add that to the list!
Greens served with cornbread. To make them a real meal, you can add a handful of pulled pork to the bowl. There are several recipes for Alabama white sauce on the internet.
Whole okra with a little olive oil and seasoning on the grill is really good and easy. Taste better than  fried and without the grease. I usually put them on wooden skewers to grill which allows easy flipping. Use a hot grill or broiler to add some char to the finished product.
My wife and I are from the Midwest, but we now call Georgia our home. Growing up in in the Midwest, Miracle Whip was the mayo of choice (not really amazing).
But Dukes Mayo is our favorite, Blue Plate Mayo coming in second!
Best Greg
gregbooras said:
My wife and I are from the Midwest, but we now call Georgia our home. Growing up in in the Midwest, Miracle Whip was the mayo of choice (not really amazing).
But Dukes Mayo is our favorite, Blue Plate Mayo coming in second!
Best Greg

Can't get Dukes or Blue Plate around here. Wish we could. So, it's Hellman's for me. Miracle Whip is nasty... I don't even know what combination of chemicals that is, but you are right, it is very popular in the Midwest. And continues to be very widely used, mostly by people who don't even realize that Miracle Whip and mayo are different. It's what I grew up with. Yuck. :P
I'm a Yankee, born and raised, but when I was in my 30's, my parents moved to North Carolina so my father could take a new job. We adult children all came for our first Thanksgiving at their new house, and while most of the dishes were fairly straightforward, there was one that was a real eye-opener for me: Spoonbread!

I had never heard of it, nor ever had anything like it in taste or consistency. I fell in love... You used to be able to buy it as a boxed mix, but they discontinued making the mix. The good news is that the recipe is easy to find on the internet, and it is easy to make.
SconnieQ said:
Miracle Whip is nasty... I don't even know what combination of chemicals that is, but you are right, it is very popular in the Midwest.

Heh... I lived the majority of my life in the midwest and very much prefer Miracle Whip over mayonnaise.  I go back to old-home for business once in a while and if I drove I'll pick up a gallon jug of Miracle Whip to bring back to new-home.  :)  Can't find it by the gallon here in the Dallas area.
LarryD said:
SconnieQ said:
Miracle Whip is nasty... I don't even know what combination of chemicals that is, but you are right, it is very popular in the Midwest.

Heh... I lived the majority of my life in the midwest and very much prefer Miracle Whip over mayonnaise.  I go back to old-home for business once in a while and if I drove I'll pick up a gallon jug of Miracle Whip to bring back to new-home.  :)  Can't find it by the gallon here in the Dallas area.

Yep, about half of my family prefer Miracle Whip!
Ahhh grits I forgot that one!  I'll add that to the list!

When making grits, use a 1:4 ratio (1 cup of grits/4 cups of liquid).  Substitute water for heavy cream, add a generous amount of butter, a bay leaf, bit of salt and black pepper and a nice dash of hot sauce.  Low fire (simmer) for 20-30 min.  If you need to thin it because it simmered a while, use chicken broth.  I also like to take some frozen corn kernels and roast in the oven then add to the grits.

There is nothing healthy about this dish.  Nothing at all.  But if you die, you will have a smile on your face.