I betrayed my #2


New member
My buddy and I went up to the lakehouse to do some much needed repairs. We decided to smoke some babybacks, but I left my #2 at home.... Fortunately we have a Masterbuilt XL propane smoker up there at the lake .... The babybacks were in a three pack from Sam's Club and were the best looking babys I have ever cooked, grilled, smoked, etc...good Job Sam's! Anyway- threw them in the HUGE vault of a smoker had to use the 2-2-1 method, it's not as tight as our little gems. I turned out some great ribs - it is a lot more babysitting, but by the 4th hour- i had it pretty dialed in on holding the temp...LOL... but it has Tons of room. I was happy.
I came home and felt as though I had "cheated" on my little #2...LOL  ;)
since you needed to eat, your #2 will forgive you. However, your penance is to smoke 3 racks of baby backs this weekend and we'll call it even. I would also apologize to her.

have a good day!
Hell hath no fury like a #2 scorned!  LOL  ;)  I'd do as Ed recommended, and I'd also fill her water pan with beer - just for good measures! :-*
I am booked up this weekend, but I am gonna put her to good use in two weeks... party starring the #2 & co-starring  4 boston butts... two overnite cooks.
Big Bob, give her a big hug and tell her how much you love and missed her.  If that doesn't work and she leaves you, then you can pick up a number 3.  If she notices the new smoker, your number 2 will come running back to you begging to take her back.