Hurricane Harvey


New member
Howdy from Storm Central.  Hurricane Harvey is supposed to sit on top of our house so what do we do?  Cannot evacuate because my wife works at the hospital and all first responders have to be here, so, I have a large slab of Pork Spare Ribs 3 hours in the smoke and just pulled off a bunch of beef Fajitas resting on a plate.  Also put on a big can or Pork-N-beans doctored up a bit.  We will be without power sometime but we can still eat.
Wind is blowing but not supposed to get the "bad" stuff until about 7:00 pm tonight and around 1:00 am the storm is here.  Rain is coming down almost sideways at times.  What was that about water and electricity? ::)
dvr is full for when we lose satellite reception

getting the camp stove ready in case we lose power.

neighbor has a large booze collection in case things get boring

Sure hope you guys stayed safe. I was hit particularly hard from Katrina, from a property damage standpoint. It took many years to recover from the damage and mentally still has an effect on many people I know (sort of a PTSD during hurricane season). Learned quick that the only important thing was the health & safety of the family. We were lucky, in that respect.  You are in our thoughts & prayers. I sure hope y'all made out ok.
we're good here.. i expect at the very least for it to stay wet all week but the bulk of the storm turned away from us ... however houston is getting a ton of rain and the coast got hit hard of course. there will probably be a lot of people needing a lot of help
Power back on now.  A week in the dark and living out of a cooler.  Lost everything in the freezer but I'll get over it.  Family is all safe so it's all good.
I am glad you got through that safely. The gutting & cleaning in 98 degree temps with 98 to 100% humidity was a real beast for us after Katrina. Ice was scarce & a/c nonexistent. Once those two things were resolved, a few weeks after, the cleanup / repairs became tolerable if not mind numbing. The stench of the wet molding debris & rotting meat in all the refrigerators hauled out to the street throughout the city left a stench that is hard to forget. I empathize with what you are going through & hope its an easier path for y'all. Y'all remain in our thoughts & prayers. Good luck.
sorry about the freezer.. but great on everyone coming through well

in our area really the only thing even remotely like a hardship we have had is finding places not out of gas
which as problems go is really small potatoes

offered to take in some friends from effected areas but they have stayed put and done alright

proud of how texas has handled this gut punch
Walt, we have that same smell here.  Most things are wet and lots of dead birds, mice, and other field critters here.  The city was really good about setting up some temporary garbage collections where you toss your household garbage in a bag and bring it to a pickup station and the guys will grab it right out of your trunk and toss in into a collection truck.  That helped out bunches.
Glad you and yours made it through safely.  I can't imagine what it must be like without power for a week.  You Texans are a tough bunch.