Howdy from NW Arkansas!


New member
My Model 1 is supposed to arrive tomorrow - can't wait!  I've been a half-a** smoker on my bbq grills for years, but have never had a "real" smoker.  I just couldn't get excited about most of the "big-box store" electric smokers,  don't have the time (or patience) to deal with a "real" wood offset smoker, and just recently came across the Smokin-It... wow, I'm impressed!  I hope it lives up to the expectation!

I'm going to season it for 4 hours tomorrow night, and smoke a Boston butt Saturday for pulled pork.  Any suggestions out there for a "newb?"  I hope to see many more recipes and ideas on this forum in the future.  I think it's got a good start, but has room to grow!  Who knows, this newb may get some on here, once I get this little beast "dialed-in!"

Anyways, "Howdy" from NW Arkansas!


These things are basically plug-and-play so you'll have an easy first smoke.  Be sure to invest in some extra-wide heavy duty tin foil to line the bottom and the smoker box.  Other than that, you'll be good to go.

Since you're doing a pork butt, I'd recommend either a good injection or using a pan of apple juice inside the smoker box along with whatever rub you use.  The good news is your smoker will maintain a very moist environment due to the quality of the design so you won't have to worry too much about dry meat.  Have a decent probe thermometer will save you a ton of hassle as pork butt and brisket will stall on you ... focus on temperature, not time.

Commercial rubs or DIY rubs are a coin flip; it you want any advice on rubs for a particular type of food just ask away.  Best of luck with the inaugural smoke and be sure to post some pics!
Welcome  DivotMaker, another happy #1 owner here.

I'm pretty much a newb myself. It's just me and the wife and I haven't smoked anything too big yet so I can't give any advice on the BB. I'm having family over the summer and plan on doing a BB and a brisket while they're here. For some reason smoking something for 12 - 16 hours excites me (man I must be getting old)
Thanks for the quick post!  Sounds like I'm already thinking along the same lines as you!  I know to focus on internal temp (from my make-shift smoking days), and have a good remote thermometer.  One question I have, that I see has lots of opinions on, is when to foil-wrap during the cook.  Over charcoal & wood, I usually wrap after the first 3-4 hours of smoke, then remove from foil for the last hour for a finish smoke.  Is that necessary with this smoker?  If I use a water (apple juice?) pan inside, it seems the meat won't dry near as bad as over charcoal.  What's your thoughts/experience?  Also, any thoughts on adding a lump of charcoal to the box to help with the smoke ring?  Just curious...

I'm going with a basic a basic mustard & dry rub on this one.  I'll let y'all know how it goes!
afratki said:
Welcome  DivotMaker, another happy #1 owner here.

I'm pretty much a newb myself. It's just me and the wife and I haven't smoked anything too big yet so I can't give any advice on the BB. I'm having family over the summer and plan on doing a BB and a brisket while they're here. For some reason smoking something for 12 - 16 hours excites me (man I must be getting old)

Thanks, afratki.  I hope to learn a lot from everyone here.  BTW, I too get excited about the 12-16 hour thing!  ;D
I haven't done the charcoal yet to promote a smoke ring but I'm toying with the idea for an upcoming brisket over the 4th of July weekend.

As far as foiling ... I haven't found a need to do so (not even for ribs).  The environment inside the smoking chamber is nearly a sealed system so you won't see a massive loss of moisture even without foiling ... chicken, beef and pork have all met or exceeded expectations so Ron Popeil's mantra of "set it and forget it" holds true.  A brine or marinade for chicken help, as do injections for brisket or pork butt.  With ribs I do spritz with apple juice or use a water pan with beer or apple juice but I have found that even without this step St. Louis spares still are juicy and flavorful.

My advice is to try it both ways and see which you like best ... the results with either process should be pleasing.
UPDATE!  I finished my first cook Saturday - an 8 lb Boston butt.  Turned out fantastic!  I posted it under the Pork section of the forum.  Hope you enjoy reading about it!