How much wood?


New member
Hey gang,
Long time huh! Anyways, I wanted to see how much wood do you use when doing pork butt? Also, what type of wood(s).
I'll start.. I use 1 hickory dowel and about 3-4 fist sized cherry wood chunks. I do get a better smokey flavor with the WSM, but I can get a real tender butt from the #3.
I use apple and oak.  maybe 2-2.5 oz of each.  Sometimes with a Butt I will use hickory and oak.  But I just don't get excited about hickory anymore. 

I always use oak with something else.
I love Hickory and it is my go to wood for pretty much everything. It is so versatile that it can be used for most everything.

That being said, I love the combination of Hickory and Cherry. For butts, I typically use a 40/60 mix of Hickory/Cherry.

For ribs, I like 2.5-3.0 ounces.

I have some Whiskey Barrel Oak Chips that I used for my Buckboard Bacon that was really good too.
For butts, I always use 5-6 oz.  If you don't have a cheap digital scale, I recommend getting one...makes life so much easier!  As far as type of wood, I'm all over the place, depending on my mood.  Sometimes, straight hickory.  Sometimes, a mix of hickory and cherry, or even straight cherry.  I also like the bourbon barrel oak I got from Fruitawood.  One wood I don't use, however, is apple.  I really don't like the flavor of apple smoke, so I don't use it. 

Wood smoke flavor preference is very subjective, and personal.  I say experiment with different woods and see what you like best! 