That is typical. 3 hours and your are good. I sometimes get 4. Should you feel the urge when smoking meat, add more wood, but you might not like the flavor. I did that because of doubts and wanted continuous smoke. 12 ounces total. Ruined a butt. Not edible. So I go with 3 or 4 ounces hickory for butts, ribs, brisket, and just let it go. Family likes the flavor. Fruit woods which are milder I will bump up to 6 ounces. But after that first smoke, I never add more during a smoke. I don't even open the smoker till the internal temp is reached unless I am doing baby back ribs. Those I check at the 4 to 4 1/2 hour mark, depending upon meatiness. ST Louis style I check at the 5 to 5 1/2 hour mark.
If you want continuous smoke, you can add the Bella and forgo the chunks for a smoke. The smoke can be dialed in for thin and should last 8 to 12 hours. Your choice.