How long to smoke 4 racks of center cut spares

Packer Jim

New member
I just got my #2 and am trying to smoke some ribs this afternoon for my first smoke.  Wondering how much time I should plan for at 225 for the 4 racks (about 15 pounds).  I would have preferred the full racks but my wife bought the center cut. 

Last night I pulled the membrane off the back and put the rub on.  I'm currently planning on about 5 hours but want to see if that's accurate and when I should check it.  I don't have a fancy probe to leave in there so I'll just have to check the temp whenever I open it.  Thanks
Hi Packer...for baby back ribs, you should allow 5 hours at 225F.  One method is the 2-2-1 method; first 2 hours uncovered bone side down, next 2 hours wrapped in foil (meat side down) with a some juice in the bottom of the foil (like apple juice), then the last hour unfoiled on the smoker meat side down (I usually apply some BBQ sauce on the ribs for the last hour).  The ribs are done when you see the meat pulling back from the bone.  Given 4 racks, you might need a bit more time.,

The method that I have recently adopted is 5 hours on the smoker uncovered and no peaking!  For the last hour, I would still apply some BBQ sauce to the ribs.  This method produces more bark on the ribs, which I like.  The 2-2-1 method can get a bit messy with the foiling process, so I have opted now for the easier method of just letting them go for the full 5 hours.

Good luck...let us know how you make out.  Cheers
I agree with 5 hours at 225 and no peaking. Myself, I like 4.5 hours no peaking. Then add sauce and finish them for another half an hour on the charcoal grill.
Congrats on your purchase and first smoke, Jim!  Welcome to the "insiders" club for the best smoker on the planet! ;D  Good advice from Steve and Larry; you'll find the "traditional" methods of smoking are really not needed in your SI smoker!  These are really efficient, and hold moisture well, so going the distance unwrapped is (imo) the way to go.  I have 3 racks of baby backs in now, and plan on 5-5 1/2 hours until I even peek at them.  I know it's really tempting, but keep that door closed!  Peeking too often does a lot of damage to your cook - it introduces too much air in the chamber, and causes big temp swings.  Just trust that it's doing it's job while you're not looking!

Hang out here when you can, ask lots of questions, and be sure to show some pictures and share your ideas!
Well, forgot to take pictures of the finished product, but overall, it went pretty well.  I put it at 225 unwrapped and didn't peak until 5 hours.  It wasn't pulling away from the bone as much as I thought it would and looked dry (though in the end, it wasn't).  I put in some apple juice and let it go for another hour.  It was pretty good and I liked the rub I used, but I think I might add some bbq sauce to it next time.  I'm not sure if I cooked it long enough, though, as the meat was still pretty tough to get off the bone.  Not quite as tender as I would have liked.  One thing I noticed is that even though I peeled the membrane off (or at least I thought I did) before hand, there were still some pretty tough strips in there.  I don't remember having to deal with those when eating ribs in the past.  Any thoughts on how to improve on that next time?  Overall, good experience for the first time.  I think I'll go for a pork shoulder next time.  Thanks for your help everyone!
Sounds like success, Jim!  A very easy way to remove the silver skin from baby backs is to start in the middle of the rack with a dull butter knife.  Work it under the silver skin from one side to the other.  Pull up slowly as you work the knife under, to create a little "pocket."  Once you have a little section in the middle pulled away, reach your fingers under the skin, and peel it away both directions to each end of the rack.  You'll be amazed at how easy this is, and I always have the entire silver skin come off in one piece!  You're right - getting all of that off definitely makes a difference; it's really tough when cooked.