My response would be wrt the Pinking salt. The quantities used (@153ppm) are going to be safe regardless of cureing time. However, the cure will change the flavors (that's why bacon tastes different than a non cured pork belly) as well as the texture of the meat. The longer the cure is allowed to penetrate the meat, more change occurs. I have experimented with duration, mostly with brisket & pork shoulder, covering between 1 day and 2 weeks. There is a substantial difference if allowed to cure that long. I didn't find the flavor differences as extreme as the textural differences. In the pork, the muscle groups contract and become odd nuggets of a reddish/purpleish hue. Tastey but very different than the norm. None were bad but I tend to prefer the 1-4 day cures for both beef and pork. I have never tried prolonged cureing periods for chicken. I tend to brine poultry & fish overnight, rinse in the morning and allow to air dry in the fridge until time to cook. I hope this helps, although, I know I probably didn't directly answer your question.