How long does it take to smoke chicken wings?


New member
I am a newcomer to this "sport." When cooking chicken wings, how can you tell when they are done without constantly opening the door? Same for ribs?  Is there a rule of thumb for items that are not considered "probeable?"
Ribs are easy, 235 for 4 hours then check and see if they "bend" or a toothpick goes into the meat easily. I haven't done wings that much but I would guess they would be don in an hour at 250. Others may have more advice on the chicken.
Thanks Bob.  I took note of your advice on ribs.  I am anxious to get smokin'!  My new #2D will arrive in a few days.  Regarding chicken wings, I hope someone knows temperature, time, and whether I need to finish them off on a conventional grill.
An hour in the smoke is good but wings require a finish on the grill to crisp up the skin.  I would give yourself another 15 - 20 minutes of grill time for finished wings that are ready to serve.
Welcome, Fred!  Did you download the Lazy Q eBook?  That will answer a lot of your questions.  I didn't include wings, but there are some great wing recipes here.  Go to the Poultry section (under recipes) and search "wings" in the upper right search box.  No sense reinventing the wheel, when there are hundreds of posts on exactly what you are looking for.  The Search box is a good tool!
Thanks DM.  I will download the Lazy Q eBook.  I am so impressed with the abundance of information out there.  My smoker should be delivered tomorrow!! I'm already planning for the big weekend.
I have a  question regarding smoking wings.  Should I break them apart prior to smoking (drumettes and two-bone)?  I am thinking that they will be more moist if left intact.  Based on input from this forum, I will smoke for about an hour then finish on the grill.  Any other smoking tips would be appreciated.