How long can it stand wrapped in the cooler ?


New member
I have a 12 lb whole brisket that finished in 8 1/2 hrs. I have it probed several places and it hit 195. Box temp was 225. Question is how long can it stand in the cooler? I have 8-9 hrs before I planned to serve. This is almost 1/2 the time of a previous 11 1/2 lb brisket. I don't understand how we can get that much variation...

Should I let it set for 3 hrs then refrigerate then reheat?

Thanks in advance,
I've held one for 4-5 hours with no problem, but 8-9 sounds a little extreme.  If it were me...  I'd wrap it in foil, wrap that in plastic, wrap that in a towel, and throw it into my already warm cooler and hold it that way for as long as possible.

From there I would do one of the following:

1)  Remove the towel and put the wrapped ball in my oven on the 'warm' setting and let the oven hold it for the remainder of the time.
2)  Cut up the brisket, vacuum seal it, put in refrigerator, and then reheat while still sealed in a hot pot of water.

I'd prefer #1 unless I needed my oven for other stuff or if I didn't have an oven with a 'warm ' setting.  Option 2 is the only way I'd want to reheat the brisket.
Well I left it in the cooler for 4 hrs wrapped in foil then moved it to the oven on "warm" it worked fine, and was very good. Thanks for the coaching.
Glad it worked for you.

Some meats are just different, as I learned a few years back with brisket.

I had a Wagyu brisket finish about 8 hours to soon. I turned the smoker down to 140* and held it in there double foil wrapped for 4 hours then moved to the faux cambro cooler. Was perfect when I sliced and served.
