How long can I brine a butt?


New member
I put in an 8.5# butt into a brine last night. How long can I brine it? Was thinking of smoking it starting tonight, so about 24 hours. But if need be can I hold off smoking it? Keep it in the brine longer, 2 days vs 1?

Don't want it to start growing on me. Or anything else nasty happen.
Yep.  I only brine butts, using the salt content in my brine, for 12-13 hours, and that's perfect.  I'm not sure how going longer would be, but it will probably be a little on the salty side.  If you need to brine for 24 hours, halve the salt.
So am I:) It's at 163 now. I did get a Maverick 733. Both probes are in it and read within a couple degrees of each other. Got it set to 195.