How do you guys post pictures?

When you post, you'll note a black box with a plus sign beneath the text widow with the label "Attachments and other options".  If you click that, it will give you the ability to add attachments.
The only problem I've had is the file size being too large. I downloaded a free program that allows me to resize the pics, I think the max size to post on this forum is 1.1GB. I'm a PC user so I can't recommend a program.
Honestly, you can use Microsoft Paint that comes with your Windows OS to resize or resample the files very easily and quickly.  It also can efficiently crop them.

I've got a copy of CorelDraw (with PhotoPaint) I've been moving from computer to computer for years.  But I'll admit that when I'm in a hurry I just open us Paint and go with that.  ;)
A good way to change the size of your pics is Microsoft Paint in Windows...sorry, can't recommend a good one for Mac.  :-[  I usually take photos with my phone, email them to myself, save them on the computer, then edit.  First thing is to change the size in Paint to less than 500k.  Next, I'll crop and change the lighting effects (if needed) in Picassa.  Picassa is a free photo editing program that I've had great success with for many years. 
I figured it out.  Need to take picture with my windows phone and then email to myself.  Check out my pulled pork pictures..
Ha!  Guess I should have mentioned that in my post.  That's how I do it, too, Ed.  I use my HTC One, then email them to me.  I save the pics in a BBQ Pictures file, then edit them for size (phone takes some pretty big pics on my current settings).  Sorry I didn't suggest that before!  Just thought you were talking about pics already on your computer.
I use the email method on my desktop computer but with my Android Tablet I use Image Shrink Lite (free)... You simply click 'attachments and other options' below and hit browse, select image shrink and then select your picture program you browse with on Android.  Once the pic is selected imageshrink will prompt you for size.

I have no idea if it's available for ipad or iphone...
I use my smartphone its a windows phone. I take the picture and then email to my mac and then post. Thanks for all the guidance.