Hot weather cooking


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just tossed a 17 pound brisket in the 3d

texas summer is starting to kick in now.. and i gotta say one of the great things about lazyQ is not heating up the house any more than it already is .. cooking outside rather than using the oven.. and not having to sit outside in that heat keeping an eye on things either.

so here i sit, recline, with a nice cold drink watching re-runs of mash .. while that darling little box out in the yard smokes it's heart out for me
been checking the weather out of phoenix.. i think you can smoke meat there just by draping it over a tree branch.. 120 degrees.. my oh my
brisket came out great.. sorry no pics

we sliced it up with an electric knife as thin as we could go but still a healthy slice
ate some for dinner last night as is with succotash .. tonight we take some slices and put them on tortillas with some guacamole a little sticky fingers bbq sauce(we like this one for beef .. head country for everything else) and a bit of cheese..

tomorrow we will use the point slices to make smoked brisket braciole we created last time we smoked a brisket