Hi guys just wanted to introduce myself


New member
Hi guys, I am a chef and come from a fine dining background. I closed my restaurant and converted an old school bus into a food truck. I have always enjoyed smoking but their is a HUGE difference between fine dining and it's science and principles and smoking. Smoking this way is so much of an "exception to the rules" kind of thing and Has a whole new realm of rules compared to classic culinary arts. It can definitely be more of a challenge to master.

I swore I wouldn't do barbecue on the truck but did smoked brisket and Jerk pork one day and now if I don't carry them I will have a riot on my hands.
I have until now been using cheap smokers from Sam's and Home Depot but they didn't hold up more than 6 months to a year and basically became disposable. I decided to bite the bullet and buy a decent one. I had a Smokin Tex years ago and was about to buy another when I came across the Smokin It. I wound up going with Smokin it #3 because of the size and value compared to the other. It came in today and I seasoned it and put in 3 whole prime briskets. It looks to be put together a little bit better than the ST and there is plenty of room. I'll let you know how it turns out but I think I have a hell of a product for the price. I'll be smoking 2-5 briskets or pork shoulders every other day so if it holds up over a year I will be really impressed.
Anyway, hi

Welcome, Chef Chris!  I really look forward to your "food science" knowledge and experience!  Yes, BBQ is a different animal, for most cooks, but the SI makes it easy to become a pit master in no time!  And yes, your #3 will last much longer than a year!  (You have a 3-year warranty, so you know you're set at least that long ;) ).  It gained NSF-certification, so that's a bonus for your commercial use.

Let us know how we can help, and I look forward to seeing some pics of your food truck and the SI in action!! 8)
Welcome from Texas Chris! Hope you will share some of your great recipes and techniques with us. That #3 will be still be putting out great food many years down the road.
Hello from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan! Can't wait to see some pics of your set up and finished product!
Welcome Chris!
You made a great choice on your #3 and joining this forum.  Look forward to hearing more about (and seeing :) )some of your accomplishments using the SI.