Hi from Wyoming


New member
Hi all,
A few hours ago I ordered an SI model 2. I have no experience at smoking meats, fish, or poultry but have been watching youtube vids and browsing this forum. It seems that most everyone is happy with their SI smokers and the ease of use convinced me to purchase one. And this community will be my support....so looking forward to receiving my smoker, seasoning it, and get some meat smoked. I believe that my first attempt will be BB ribs as I'm hoping that I don't get into much trouble with those. And I particularly like ribs!

Hope everyone had a great Independence Day,

Welcome from Delaware, Jerry!  Like you, I was new to smoking meat when I got my #2 about 8 years ago.  The learning curve is short with these smokers, and the forums provide a lot of great advice and recipes.  Starting out with a BB ribs is a great first smoke -- can't go wrong!  Cheers
Welcome, I know you'll like the #2.  Best advice I got was to go easy with the wood. It doesn't take a lot of wood for the smoke flavor (AND you don't need wood smoke going the whole cook either).
Welcome, Jerry...  I'm just over in Oregon if you need live support.  :)  I started with the #2 and loved it... it's an excellent smoker.
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome....Should receive it Tuesday. Will start the seasoning process Wed. Probably do the ribs Friday or Saturday. I'm sort of like a 72 year old kid with a new toy!  ;D
