Hi from Ohio


New member
I am new at smoking.  I got my #2 about a month ago and am really enjoying it.  I have been working my way up to more and better smokes.  I have done pork tenderloin several times with great success and am planning on doing a couple of Boston Butts today.  I had a Bradley and tried it a few times but was not impressed with the quality and possible failure points.  I and took it back and bought the Smokin-it after seeing the one a friend has.  What a good move that was!  It seems this blog is a great place for an old guy like me (I just turned 80) to get the help and advice I need.

David in Central Ohio
David, welcome from SW Arkansas! You definitely came to the right place. The people on here are eager to offer help and advice on anything you might need.
Welcome from Delaware, David!  You have definitely found the right place ... lots of good advice and recipes to try out.  You will love the #2 ... I know I do as I have been smoking on it pretty much every week for over two years!  Cheers
David, Welcome aboard from Eastern MA......At one point in time we were all Newbies. This is a great forum with great folks always willing to help and learn from each other.
Hey David, First and foremost a belated happy birthday. Hope your birthday was in June or July. Second a welcome from Kansas City I also see many happy smokes in your future. If you have questions just ask and someone will get back with you in a short time.
Thanks for adding your name and city...
Hello and welcome from ND Dave!

You have chosen the right smoker and come to the right place to get all kinds of great information. I belong to several hobby related forums, but this is by far the most family friendly and helpful one that I have found.

Smoke on my friend!
Welcome from Texas David! Ask and ye shall receive! Of all the positives about our forum I would have to put the help available and the spirit in which the help is given at the top of the list. We're a friendly bunch and always ready to lend a hand. All of us were new owners at one time or another. So relax! You have the best smoker going and all the support you'll ever need! Also a belated Happy Birthday! Enjoy!
Welcome to Club Lazy Q, David!!  Sure glad to have you with us!  Let me/us know if there's anything we can help you with. 