Hi From NY


Hi All - I'm Tom and I live in on Long Island in NY.  I just received my model 3 late today and only had time to get the wheels on and put it away.  Looks to be a quality product when I compare it to my old Little Chief that I started with years ago and the analog Masterbuilt I've been using more recently.  I can't wait to begin to use this quality smoker after all of the positive reviews I've read.  Nice to be part of this community.
All - Thank you for all of the welcome messages.  I have to be honest...I'm a tinkerer and modified my first 2 smokers for either higher wattage or more airflow.  When I looked at my new smoker yesterday it appeared counter intuitive smaller intake/drain with a larger exhaust...neither of which come close to what I'd expect diameter wise BUT I'm controlling myself and not passing judgement until I've fired this puppy up a number of times.  I trust in all the great reviews and look forward to not constantly watch or so it seems.  I'll use dual probes but I do understand the temp swings.  I'm curious if my A-Maze-N pellet tube will work (3 bags of pellets sitting on my shelf) but we shall see.  I do love the smart design of the SI boxes with a covered element, removable rack and hangers, sloped bottom, built like a tank, great insulation and of course all stainless.....what's not to love.  I would like to thank Old Sarge Dave for his patients with all of my questions about the product.....Thank you Dave.
You are more than welcome Tom. As for the pellet tube some folks use it with no problem, maybe for some version of cold smoking. Can’t say for sure. Try the search feature for amaze-n. I am strictly a wood chunk smoker. Enjoy.
Welcome Tom from Western Canada, I also started with a little Chief in the 80's then a big Chief now a #1  best move I have ever done.
Welcome from ND Tom!

I have both a maze and a tube smoker from A-MAZE-N, but they are relegated to Cold Smoking only as I prefer the smoke that I get from my Smokinlicious chunks for my main smokes.

The A-MAZE-N smokers can be tricky to keep lit in the Smokin-It smokers because of the low amount of air flow in these smokers. This is another reason that I don't use the A-MAZE-N smokers that often.

There are several posts here some of them by me and others with some tips on how to use your A-MAZE-N smokers. But, here are a few main ones:

* I typically remove my smoke box to allow more airflow through the drain hole. I cover the element with foil to prevent drippings from getting on it.
* smoking on as windy of a day as possible helps to get some airflow moving through the smoker.
* I have sometimes used my James Jerky dryer with a couple of pieces of 1x lumber to elevate it over my smoke hole because I don't want it pulling as much air through the smoker that it normally does if you place the dryer flush with the top of the smoker.

If you have more questions on this, I would suggest creating a new post in the Gadgets and Gizmos section and you will get some responses because there are several people here that still use these A-MAZE-N smokers. Feel free to PM me if you want as well.

Again, welcome and we are glad that you have found us!
I got to play with the #3 some.  I seasoned the smoker last Saturday and smoked a small batch (3.5 lbs) Country ribs on Sunday.  They came out a bit bitter and from reading this site I determined I used too much wood (approx. 5.5 oz) causing too much smoke and some of the chunks ignited (white ash left).  I did another test smoke today using a 6 lb spatchcocked chicken.  I used about 2.2 oz of wood (half a supplied hickory block and some cherry wood) wrapped in tin foil.  I added a pic of the remaining charcoal which I've heard is good.  Still getting used to such minimal wood.

The chicken came out good.  It stalled at 161 for over 30 minutes so I threw it on the grill to finish it off.  The breast came out slightly dry but everything else was very tasty and juicy.  Since we were expecting rain I made a quick shelter like I've done in the past.  Just some wood blocks with a plywood top a bit larger than the  smoker top covered in a plastic tarp.

One thing worth noting, I noticed one of the grates on the smoker I received had a broken wire.  I contacted Steve and he had a replacement out to me by weeks end.  Great service.


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Glad you are enjoying the smoker.  They are rather stout!  Steve is a good guy; always takes great care of his "family".