Hi from Maryland


New member
Greetings everyone.  All I asked for for Christmas was a Smokin It #2.  There's a large cardboard box in my garage, so I guess I was nice this year.  Can't wait to fire it up in 2 weeks!
Welcome Neighbor, hope you enjoy your smoker! Tons of great info on this sight--what is your first smoke gonna be!
Welcome from Georgia! I hope you enjoy your #2 as much as I have mine. I have a packer brisket finishing in mine as I write this. It should be ready to head to the cooler around 1-2pm.
And a great big Howdy from Durango, Co. Yes, I finally make it out to the cabin after way too long. The #2 is a great smoker, so congrats on getting yours, and welcome to the family. Let us know how things are going, successes and failures, and don't forget pictures... we love pictures. And there is lots of great info on this forum to help you move up the learning curve, and if you can't find the answer to your question, don't be afraid to ask. We tend to be a helpful and friendly bunch.