Hi from California!

Kevin James

New member
Hi everyone. newbie here from California. Looking at upgrading my smoker from a MB to a SI-3. Thought this would be a great place to talk to owners, ask questions and get advise. I'm also a memebr at Smokin Meat forums where I have started a couple threads to get advice.

I have a unique situation with concerns over smoke level (not on the food,coming out the vent) since I live in an apartment and don't want to bother neighbors.

I'm wondering if the smoke levels are too much and I NEEDED to pull the firebox out to put the wood out, could I do that mid smoke, or am I risking a flare-up?

And on the other side, being cautious I would probably start out trying half the recommended wood amount. If I decided I did need to add more (a few hours in) would I be able to without causing a flare-up?

Any advice is much appreciated!


Hi Kevin!

Welcome!  I don't think you have anything to worry about, in reference to "bothering" your neighbors.  First off, these produce the bulk of the smoke at the beginning of a cook.  After an hour or two, the smoke tapers off substantially.  You can smell it, and see the thin blue smoke, but it is by no means overwhelming!  Do any of your neighbors grill out?  Trust me, you will produce far less smoke that any of them!  Opening the smoker to try and put out the wood, in the middle of a cook, would not be advisable....nor will it be necessary!

One thing a lot of prospective owners don't realize is just how little wood these things use!  The most you'll ever need, for long smokes (butts and briskets) is 5.5-6 oz!  That's 2-3 small chunks.  Do the math on just how much heavy smoke 3 small chunks will produce!  Here's why that is:  These smokers are incredibly tight and efficient.  So, very little wood goes a long ways in the temperature/moisture-controlled climate of the SI!  If you keep that door closed, you will retain moisture and the small amount of smoke needed to produce some great Q!  Lots of folks, with other smokers, just don't know this until they get an SI. 

You never need to add more wood during a smoke.  Meat only absorbs the smoke until the internal temp hits about 140, so after that, you're over-smoking your meat!  Trust me, your meat will be plenty smokey with just a few ounces of wood!

Let us know what other questions you have!

Hi Kevin,

Welcome from North Dakota.

Glad to see you made it to the SI forum.

Lots of great information over here.