Hi from Arizona


New member
Got a Model 2D for Christmas and am starting to learn my way around - my wife's cousin has a Model 2 for several years now and it produces great meat so was an easy decision for me.  Three smokes in and I'm pretty happy.  The first pork butt I did was the best I've ever had -> didn't even sauce it, it was so good using the basic rub (no brine) from the Lazy-Q guide.  Which amazes me.  The second wasn't the best, I tried a leg of lamb I had around and it came out pretty bitter and too smoky - I only had a startup batch of hickory I got with the smoker and didn't rub the meat.  Bought some more wood after that and did my first brisket this weekend, separated a packer on two racks with a mix of hickory and maple and the rub from the Lazy-Q guide and it turned out decent.  Had some odd temp readings so i think I let it go a little too long - flavor was good but it was a touch dry - the cook was a lot shorter than I was expecting (started it overnight, and it was done in the morning well before lunch).  Still made the best leftover quesadillas though. 

Might try playing around with some test smokes, the hickory is pretty much turning to white ash each time but the maple had a nice black lump at the end this last time, used a chip screen and a couple ramp steps -> the hickory, though, was still white ash.  Maybe the hickory is too dry?  Got a remote temp tracker but the data seemed a bit wonky this last smoke, maybe a bad placement.

Anyway, thanks for reading my ramble.  Much good advice here, appreciate it!
Welcome to the board! Glad you are enjoying the smokes so far minus the lamb.

It could be a bit dry, the hickory. Really the only way to know is checking it with a tool (name escapes me right now). I get what you are getting with the maple, chunks of charcoal. And you mentioned the chip screen and ramp steps, so perhaps the hickory is dry.

For your brisket cook - what temp did you cook at and what was the internal temp when you pulled? A good way to go with brisket and pork butt for those long cooks, start checking from probe tenderness at 190*. Some cooks, you may go to 200, some you may not need to. Just depends on the piece of meat for that cook. You may read in books that brisket needs to be up in 203 range or so, but I think our smokin-in smokers cook differently and I’ve never had a brisket cook that high. Always 195-198 or so seems to be the jiggly and probe tender spot.

And, you will hear from others on the board here not to chase the box temp with another probe. I’ve never watched what the temp does, just set up my program and run with it. Unless you are meaning a remote temp tracker for the meat, that is always nice to have - especially if it’s an overnight cook!

We look forward to hearing more about your cooks! Enjoy!
Welcome from Delaware, Sam!  It sounds like you are off and running, and a bit or experimentation will help in perfecting your smokes.  I suspect the hickory was too dry, as I typically get the lump of coal at the end of my smokes with hickory.  If you notice a "belch" (a burst of smoke coming from the top) in your first heating cycle (around 180-190*), then the wood is likely catching fire. 

Keep us posted on your smokes!  Cheers
Welcome from Missouri. It sounds like you are getting things figured out with your new smoker. Good luck and great eating with Lazy Q.
Welcome, from the frozen tundra of central Texas! I have a #2 analog and I use a chip screen lined with foil and have nice charcoal with each smoke now, no matter where I put the wood in the box.
Welcome Sam. You are in for a treat, or should I say many treats. Lots of good ideas and advise and good cooking going on here.  Danny