Hi Everyone


New member
I'm just checking in to introduce myself. I'm Casimir from North Mississippi.  I've been a casual smoker for a couple of years, not really getting the best use out of my Smokin-It model 3. However, I've started making sausage and that has me using the smoker a lot. I've been getting a lot of pleasure from doing so.

It is a fantastic machine.  I just upgraded to the newest Auber PID controller with the app and it makes my smoker a true joy to use.  I'm excited about being on this forum, and thank y'all for sharing your wealth of experience with everyone!
Howdy Casimir and welcome to the forum .. what goes around comes around and congrats on fireing up the #3 again. Folks love recipes, how to's and pictures so do post more as you get going
Welcome Casimir, nice to have you here!
I have not done sausage yet, but its on my list of things to try. Please post some photos of your next smoke and a recipe would be great also.
Best Greg

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. My smoked kielbasa brought me right back into kitchens of my childhood with its wonderful taste and aroma. What a gift. I look forward to participating here!