Hey guys I need your advice please


New member
Ok I got a small unfrozen turkey breast to smoke tomorrow.  I'm brining  it right now in a apple cider, brown sugar kosher salt , sage, and one angry orchard beer for good measure  brine ;).. it's  small 6.3 pounds.  Can I brine it all night, 12 hours?  Less? Also I'm considering  using cheery wood, does that sound good? I'm assuming  a small amount like 1.5 oz? How long do you think this little fella  will take?
I typically brine for one hour per pound. If overnight you will need to decrease the salt by 25%. More importantly you will want the bird to dry in the fridge for a couple of hours.
Goid luck!
Laura, the answer depends on how much salt you put into your brine. If you used a lot of salt in the brine then a long brine with poultry will lead to a salty bird. When brining poultry I generally go with the one hour per pound rule. Now I have brined poultry over night but when I do,  I cut the salt measurements for the brine in half.
Ok thanks everyone , I took your advice on the brine time. It's now in the smoker. I only used 1 oz of Cherry wood. I read alot about over smoking poultry,so I thought I'd error on the safe side.i did notice my chefalarm and my smoker internal probe are about 10 degrees difference 20 minutes into the smoke.
PS never mind that last sentence, now that the turkey is about done, both probes show almost identical temps. I'm extremely impressed my auber hold the temp exactly were it set it. Iove this thing :)