Help with with a big cook.


New member
Ok give me some winning advice here. We are having our first ever BBQ competition at church Sat night at 6pm. I've got 2 butts and 3 racks of ribs to smoke. I'm gonna do one rack of ribs on my egg. Then compare which ones I turn in for the contest. Can I do all this at once in my number 2.  How much wood will it take? Do I need to do 2 separate smokes. I'm brining the butts tomorrow morning. Putting them in tomorrow evening.  Any "winning " advice appreciated.
That's a mouthful of smoking.

I'd do the butts 1st and let them rest before pulled.  You can start cooking them tonight (Thurs) in a few hours!  Let rest, pull and have happy with sauce for Sat night

Do the ribs separate and start at 9:00AM Sat.  Foil and bring hot and ready.

Should give you time not to sweat it.


That's too much for the #2, at one time.  Two butts is almost too much, depending on the size of them.  I recommend doing the 2 butts separately, and then double-wrap in foil & refrigerate (whole, in the foil).  Then, do the ribs on the day they're needed.  Start them no later than 11 am, then double-wrap them, when done, and head to church. 

While the ribs are smoking, place the wrapped butts in a crock pot, on low, for 3-4 hours.  If you don't have a crock pot, set your oven on the lowest temp, and heat them for a few hours. 

When the ribs are done, and the butts are hot, place all of them in a cooler (or 2), with towels above and below.  Transport them to the church, and get ready to serve.  Take a large disposable aluminum pan (like a turkey pan) to pull the pork in.  The ribs will be a simple unwrap and slice.  It should all be hot, if you do it like this.  Reheated pork butts are great, if you heat them whole, then pull them when hot! 

Bet you'll win the competition!
Thanks guys exactly what I needed. Tony one question. Do I let the butts set after I foil them or straight to the frig. Your right. I'm sure gonna try to win. That's why I ask for this advice.  I was about to mess up my timeline of adequate smoking time.
Danny, If I hold butts in the fridge, I seal the foil-wrapped butts in a FoodSaver bag, then dip them in an ice bath in the sink to pre-cool, before putting them in the fridge.  Beats a couple of butts curdling the milk by putting 180° heat sources into the fridge!  You can also let them cool on the counter, but I find the ice bath more comforting, as far as food safety goes.
For smoking more than 1 butt at a time, as it was mentioned, can depend on the size.  I did 2 at once, side by side on top shelf, in my #2. They were a little over 7lbs each.  Just make sure you have enough probes to monitor the internal temps.  If one finishes before the other make sure you get it out as quick as possible so you don't lose to much heat from the door being open. Mine both came out great, one just needed about an extra 90 minutes or so for the second one to finish. 

As for multiple ribs, I've done 2 racks of baby backs at once as well.  If you lay Rack 1 like / and rack 2 like \ then you form an X and mine came out great. I didn't know if laying them the same way would cause any issues.  Added a picture for reference.  Apparently I didn't take one of my double butt cook.


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Well cook went just fine. Followed Divots advice. Cooked the butts then the ribs. It worked out perfect. Those butts pulled at 190 were so juicy it was amazing. I cooked all 3 racks of ribs at once. Best ribs I have ever done. They were beautiful, and good.
However I did not win the contest. The judges at church had no idea about real BBQ. The guy that won cooked his butt in a crock pot. The man that won the ribs cooked his on the grill. Unreal I lost to a crock pot. It was fun just the same. We had lots of food and good fellowship. Almost 100 people showed up to eat. I put this together for the church as an event. Next year I'm being a judge. 
Losing a BBQ contest to a crock pot? Blasphemy! You need to find a new church to attend. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life!  :o Seriously, that just goes to show the subjectivity of people's taste. It doesn't matter if you are cooking in a church competition or on the pro circuit you are always trying to guess what the judges want. What wins this time may not even place next time. I always say, cook it the way you like it and if others like it, great they can eat. If they don't, then they can go to McDonalds.....
Holy BBQ, Danny!  Where do you live?  It's almost inconceivable, to a Southerner, that our BBQ could lose to a crock pot!!!!  Wow, indeed! :o  Those folks obviously don't know much about real BBQ! ::)

BTW - I had friends that thought the McDonald's McRib sandwich was "real" BBQ...until they tasted mine! ;)
Sounds like an opportunity for forgiveness! Forgive them for they know not!
You'll win em over before next year for sure!
Ha Jake! I fully understand why the crock pot won. El Paso is so freakin' hot that it has killed brain cells.  ;D I go to Ciudad Juarez all of the time for church mission work and have come back with my eye lids literally sunburned doing a tin roof. I'll bet you had good eats though....  :)