Help with #2D digital controller?


New member
Hey, All

I've been playing with my #2D for a few months now, and I've noticed a pattern - when cooking with a target temp programmed into the PID controller, both the cabinet and (especially) the food temps tend to "stall out" short of their goals. I've auto-tuned the cabinet, but it's still doing the same thing. The only way I've found to get around this issue, is to program in multiple steps with ever-increasing cabinet temps, so the heating element never turns off for too long.

I ran an experiment with some trout fillets, here are the PID settings (following my recent auto-tune), and the temp data that I got:

P 118
I 938
D 234
T 2

Program: temp set to 180*F until food is at 145*F (then step 2 was just a "keep warm" at 120*F for 3 hours)

Time    Cabinet    Food    Probe3    %power    Comment
0          70            65        63            100
15        113          77        80            100       
20        157          100      105          14           
25        171          116      121          14      OK I can see why the power adjustment is happening here, it's chugging along
30        174          129      133          13
35        174          134      137          14      But what's going on here? Cabinet's not at target, and food stalls out from here
40        172          137      139          17
45        170          137      138          22
50        169          136      138          24      Here the cabinet actually dips, so the power increases, but not enough
55        169          135      137          26
60        170          135      136          30
65        171          135      137          30
70        173          135      137          30
75        176          136      138          29      At this point I gave up and set the temp to 200*F, to get the food to 145*F finally

From my uneducated perspective, it seems like it's over-correcting for the rising food temp, and neither the smoker itself gets to the set temp of 180*F, nor the food actually goes anywhere once it's reached 135*F (10 degrees shy of target). My second time using this cabinet, with some chicken breasts, I had just let it do its thing, and they got to within 20*F of target temp within maybe 40 minutes, then just sat there, for like 4 hours. By the time they finally squeaked past target temp, they were dry as could be.

Any suggestions for changes to the PID programming? Or am I doing something else wrong?
Thanks in advance!
I auto tuned my 3DW and was still having similar issues. I emailed Steve and he sent me the factory settings. I haven’t had any issues since I implemented those settings.

UPDATE: as suggested, I emailed Steve, and got the standard settings from him. Mine were way off. I'll post an update after reprogramming, but for those interested:
P 60
I 850
D 130