HELP PLEASE>Best Way to Warm up 15 Racks of Baby Backs??

Papa Rick

New member
Looking for suggestions on what will be the best way to warm up 15 Racks of Baby Back Ribs I smoked yesterday and Today.  Got a big family dinner tomorrow with these and 4 Boston Butts.  I know to do the Butts in the Crock Pots, but never had the BB Ribs to go with them.

I appreciate any ideas and suggestions you may have.
Aluminum foil wrapped but perhaps a little sauce before sealing so they don’t go dry. Then put them in your smoker a few hours prior to serving at a safe, low temp..

I did what I have done before warming up Turkey Breast.

Put them in aluminum  pan with little apple juice, sealed them up tight with cling wrap and then aluminum foil.  Set the oven and smoker on 200 for 2 hours.  They turned out moist, but should have turned the heat up higher as they were Lukewarm.
Finished warming them up with the microwave as they were being served.

Thanks so much for the advice!!