Hello from Wisconsin


New member
Hey all -

New owner of a #3 here.  Cooked a brined 10# boston butt last weekend to perfection in 0 degree weather!  This thing performs like a champ.

Got a brisket going today, my first brisket I've ever cooked.  We'll see how it turns out!

The only complaint I have so far is the wild swings and inaccuracy of the analog thermometer.  When I smoked the butt last weekend, my temperatures ranged from 195 to 255 during the entire cook with the analog thermometer at 225.  This was without a water dish.

Last night I loaded the brisket with a makeshift foil water dish filled with beer and woke up to 300 degree temps (analog set to 225)!  I didn't believe it until I double checked with my thermopen.  Very strange.

I'm leaning towards buying the Auber PID to deal with both of these issues.  :)
Hi Hopped, welcome!  I use disposable aluminum "mini loaf" pans with liquid (half-full) on the floor, set up against the smoke box.  Seems to act as a heat sink, and minimizes the temp swings.  Can't go wrong with the Auber, though, if you want "dead on" temps!

If you get the Auber your swings will be plus minus 4 degrees F. That is pretty good.

Enjoy. Send psnaps of the end product.
DM is spot on.  I use a old veggie can filled with boiling water let it rest on the bottom of the smoker.  the temps don't vary more than 8-10 degrees.  i use boiling water to offset the the cold meat going in the smoker.