Hello from West Chester, PA


New member
Hello forum . . .it's been really helpful to read through many posts as I was making a decision on buying.

I received my new SI #2 and did the seasoning smoke. Three hours later 2 chunks of wood were just ash. The whole inside has a nice coating and I've lined the smoker bottom and top of wood box with foil.

Now it's off to Costco to see what's for dinner Sunday!


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Hi Marc!  Welcome to Club Lazy Q!  Hope you downloaded the free Lazy Q eBook, from your Welcome message!  Let us know how we can help!!
Howdy from South Texas.  Another newbe myself but REALLY enjoying the SI.
Just had a great meal of smoked pork butt tonight.  And even had smoked corn on the cob.  Can't beat the Smokin-it.
Thanks everyone for the welcomes. I've downloaded and read through the Lazy Q guide and could burn many hours reading through all the posts and looking at food pix. Really helpful . . .

Went to Costco today and picked up 3 racks of spare ribs and a 6+lb. "Choice" brisket flat (no packer cuts available). Starting off simple with salt/pepper (and a dash of cayenne) rub. With the plan for Sunday dinner at about 6, I expect to start the smoke session early in the morning.
Greetings from the Hudson Valley. Congrats on your new #2, but a word of caution: my friends say that since I got mine, all I eat is stuff out of the smoker! I used to be known for making desserts, so if anyone has any smoked dessert recipes, please post 'em.  ;D
An update on my first smoke . . .While the brisket works through the stall (it's been sitting around 160 for a while now), the ribs came off at about 5 hours and were wrapped in foil to rest.

They came out pretty good. Moist with a nice chew texture. I had used two chunks of the hickory that came with the smoker and my wife thought they had just a bit too much smoke flavor. I'll try a different wood next time. Maybe something lighter like a fruit wood?


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One more update on this thread...

6.3lb flat took nearly 12 hours with a stall that drove me up a wall. Wow! Wrapped in butcher paper for the last 2 hours.  Still probably pulled it out a bit early at IT 190 but it came out pretty good. Can't wait to do another. I'm hooked.

Anyway, thanks again for the welcome.


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Welcome from ND Marc!

Most of the hickory chunks that come from SI are around 2 ounces, which would have put you at about 4 ounces.

I typically use 2.5-3.0 ounces on ribs, but you'll find what works best for you.

5 hours seems a little early for spares. But again, everyone's tastes/preferences are different.
Marcmax said:
You're right NDKoze. I think I pulled both the ribs and brisket out just a bit early. Next time . . .

I love 190 on Pork Butts and that is my go to temp. But, on Brisket I tend to pull around 195 in the flat and shoot for 200-205 or so in the point if things work out well.

My spares tend to go a little longer than most. The standard is something around the 5-hour mark for baby backs and 6 hours on spares. I usually smoke St Louis style which are just spares with the riblets cut off and mine always tend to come out around 7 hours. I think this is because I still smoke my ribs at 225, because I prefer the results better than smoking at 235 (for my tastes).

Time and practice will tell you where your sweet spots are.