Hello from Toronto!

Event Horizon

New member
Hi everyone!

I just got my 3D and looking forward to learning the art of smoking!  I did my first smoke last weekend and made a few mistakes, but not all bad for a first go. I did some chicken legs the other day that were yummy.  I have a whole pork loin that has been curing for a week that will be going in this weekend to make some CB or as we Canadians would say Back-Bacon eh!  I am a little nervous on the smoke amounts, so I will probably do this in two batches over the weekend so I can get a feel for the amounts of wood to use for my taste.

Thank you all in advance for your knowledge and answers to my future silly questions.

Welcome, John. And remember, we were all newbies at on time or another, so there are no silly questions. I do recommend taking the time to read among the various posts on this site, as you will learn a lot, and get some quite amazing recipes, too.  You will soon find yourself up to speed and enjoying good times and good eats. Smoke on!
Welcome from Colorado John! Don't sweat the loin. Use a water pan next to the smoke box and follow the cook temp/time advice here: http://smokinitforums.com/index.php?topic=2151.0

It doesn't give wood amounts for a loin but try out 4 oz and see what you think. You won't be far off. Or better yet, since it is bacon you are after, go with belly bacon smoke profile and you will get a bit more smoke.  :)
Hey John, welcome aboard, eh?  Great to have another friend from the Great White North join us!  Canadian, er, "back" bacon is great!  After the cure, I smoke mine with hickory at 140 for 4 hours, then an hour at 175, then 200 until the meat temp hits 150-155.  5-6 oz of hickory (for my taste), because you want smoke going the entire time - it can take it!  Don't eat it, right out of the smoker.  Put it in a bag and refrigerate until the next day.  The smoke and flavors will distribute through the meat and taste great!
Welcome from East Texas John!

Lots of great advice here and let us know how the CB turns out..pictures work great for us Aggies ;)
Welcome from ND John! I love smoking Canadian Bacon in my #3. It is one of my favorite things to smoke.
Glock_21 said:
Welcome from Oklahoma.

You screen name doesn't come from the movie "Event Horizon" does it?

No, I never did see that movie.  I just think it it's just way cool that once you cross the  "Event Horizon" of a black hole gravity is so strong that not even light can escape!  It's the point of no return!
Here are some pictures of my pork loin cure / smoke.  It was my first time curing anything.

I used a cure called Super Cure from a local place up here in Toronto.  My math went like this.

I made sure to cover the meat well and all extra from the plate went into the bag.

The bags went into the fridge for 8 days turning every 12 hours. 

The night before smoking they came out of the fridge, rinsed well under water, soaked in water for 30 minutes and then rinsed and dried with paper towel.  They sat in the fridge over night open on racks.  I got 4 pieces out of this loin.  On the Friday I rinsed one piece for a Saturday smoke and Saturday I washed the other 3 for a Sunday smoke.  Because I am new to this I wanted to go real easy with the smoke. I wanted it mild for breakfast eating.

Into the smoker.

I have the Igrill 2 and I will say it was right on mark with what the Smokin-it probe was saying.

As for the cooking, I followed the times and temps from Tony above and it was perfect.  I really cut back on the wood I believe I was under 2 ounces of Apple.

I let it cool to about 100 and then into the fridge over night.

The next day it was sliced for breakfast frying and some as chops.

Then shrink wrapped and into the freezer.  You can see the package listed labeled as "no smoke"  the first piece I only put in a small amount of wood. only that I put it in foil and at the front (cool spot) of my smoker.  At these low temps and that extra paranoia it did not burn.  The meat tasted great though.  The 3 pieces smoked on the Sunday had more smoke and tastes fantastic.

Looking good from a State all you guys go to for the winter.  ;)

Thanks for sharing those great photos. 
Nice Canada bacon John!
Never had any of the real stuff I suppose aside from whatever it is they slap on at Pizza H but looking at your pictures tells me I gotta try some of that myself👍
Looks fantastic, John!  I like mine smokier, but, of course, that's just a personal preference!  If you're happy, so am I!! :D