Hello from the coast of North Carolina


New member
Hello smokers,
I live on the coast of NC and ordered the SI #2 which will be delivered tomorrow. My wood from www.smokinlicious.com, Maverick ET733, Bear Claws, and Gator Gloves were all delivered today. I plan to season it as soon as it arrives and start smokin! I already have a pork shoulder in the fridge waiting to become pulled pork.

Welcome from Saint Augustine, Florida!

I also have a #2 and you are going to be really happy with your smoker.

It looks like you have all the basics needed for your first smoke, do you have a digital scale?

If so smoke on and please post your results and recipes!

Welcome from Texas! Were glad you are here. Looks like you have been planning this for a while. You have many good times and many delicious meals ahead. Enjoy!
Welcome and you'll love it.


Make sure digital scale is handy for wood!

The smokinlicious wood is good, but I think the double chunks are even a tad on the heavy side. 
Welcome aboard, Beachdive!  Glad to have you with us, and it looks like you're pretty well setup!  As mentioned, if you don't have a digital kitchen scale (a cheapo will do just fine) to measure your wood, I would really recommend getting one.  The Smokinlicious wood is great, but you may have to split some to get the weight right.  For 6 oz (butts and briskets), I usually can dig around and find 2 chunks the right size, but occasionally have to split.  A hatchet and hammer are great for this!  Don't try to just Paul Bunyan them with an axe!

When you have a chance, we'd love it if you would add your first name and town to your signature line in the Forum Profile.  We're kind of weird that way - we like to know who our new Club Lazy Q members are! ;)

Hang out here often, and let us know how we can help!  And, remember that we love pictures of great Q! 8)
Welcome from Delaware, Chip!  You will love the #2 -- I know I do!  It sounds like you have everything you need but the #2, which should arrive pretty fast.  Get'er seasoned and you are off to the races!  Cheers
Welcome from the Keys, Chip. It certainly sounds as if you have all the right equipment for a lifetime of smoking fun.
Hey, Chip....Welcome from Eastern MA. You found the right spot not only is the SI a great smoker the folks on this forum will help you to be successful.
Chip, welcome from SW Arkansas. You made a great decision with your #2. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed mine.
Welcome Chip from K.C. enjoy that butt and have a safe weekend. If you have a restaurant depot in your area. Would suggest you join the KCBS at $35.00 per year. One of the perts you can get daily visit coupons to visit the restaurant depot for good buys on quality meats and other items. Just a thought. I just checked there are 2 in North Carolina, one in Charlotte the other in Cary. You can also go to there web site as there maybe some of these stores located near you. Here is a previous post about this restaurant depot. http://smokinitforums.com/index.php?topic=3591.15