Hello from Southern Indiana


New member
Hello my name is Ray and I have decided that I would join this forum because of all the great people and information.  I got hooked on smoking meats when I moved to Texas. I started learning how to weld so I could make my own smoker. After trying my hand at traditional offset smokers I tried a stumps clone. Any who this will be my first electric smoker, I am ready to use all the wonderful features the SI smokers offer. I am ready to pull the trigger on a 3d. I plan on doing more salmon and also Jerky and sausage along with the brisket and pork butts. My question is, is the 3d big enough for hanging sausage or would I have to go up to the 4d? Thank you Ray
I know at least one of our members (ndkoze) uses a #3 for smoking sausage and snack sticks, etc.  Go to the sausage area of the forums and read the posts there. Lots of great info there. By the way welcome to the forums were glad you found us.
Thank you for the welcoming messages. This is by far one of the best forums I have joined. I am looking forward to the new adventures once I make a decision on which one to purchase.  Until then I will continue to gain knowledge from all the great people on here. Thanks again
Welcome, Ray!!  You'll love the 3D - tons of room.  Gregg (NDKoze) can certainly fill you in on the sausage making abilities of the 3!
Welcome to the club Ray!

I just bought a 3D and its great, had a #2, but the 3 has so much more room and the cost difference is minimal.

Dahlonega GA
The #3, is great and I smoke 200-300lbs of snack stix per year. But the #3 is not tall enough to hang the sticks. I smoke 25lbs at a time and lay my sticks horizontally on the racks. 25lbs is pretty much the max and uses 6 shelves with the add on 9-tray side rails. I have to rotate my trays top to bottom and front to back midway through my smoke to ensure even smoking.

If you want to hang your sausage, your going to need a #4.

Also, you will also NEED a jerky drier as there is just too much moisture held in the box that needs to be expelled.

Here are some threads to look at: