Hello from Iowa


New member
My name is Chris and I'm from NE Iowa.  Just joined the forum this week as I've found that I have a bit more time at home recently.  I am moving on from an MES-40 smoker that I've had since 2011.  The final straw was last weekend when it went out during an overnight pork shoulder smoke and I had to throw out about 20 lbs of undercooked meat. >:(

I've been looking through the options for the Model 2D Digitial Wifi and the Model 3.  My budget is under $1000 and I primarily smoke full packer briskets, pork shoulders, pork loins and other random things like turkeys on occasion.  Nothing super fancy and we pretty much have it for family events or just meals with my 2 boys and my wife.

Any advice you can provide would be much appreciated.  Thanks!
Welcome @HawkFan70 from New Mexico!

Sorry to hear about the pork butt cook last week! But as you move forward, my one piece of advise, get the bigger size if you can swing it. I have a 3D, do I really need the digital auber, not really, and I say that after being able to use my Dad’s #2 a few times. It works just as good as my 3D. But, I do love the extra space for when I smoke for bigger groups. And full packers are easy to get in there. Others are able to smoke full packers in the #2 size as well, just takes some positioning to get it in there.

I don’t know about the Wifi option, so you will have to have others comment about that. But, I do know, you are looking at a great smoker whichever model you end up choosing!

Enjoy the board! And enjoy that smoker when you decide on the model you want and get it delivered!
Like Jeremy said, I would get the #3 over the #2. I have used both and kept the #3 for my main smoker.  It is so much easier to do ribs, hang a full 7# rack of jerky, etc. that I can't do in the #2.  I also don't miss the digital control as much as I thought I would originally.
I have a #3 analog. The extra space really comes in handy.  Welcome aboard and I know whatever you decide on will be great
Hey Chris, welcome!  I started with the #2 and now have the 3D-Wifi.  If I were starting with nothing I would get the #3 without hesitation.  I'm a professional computer geek and honestly feel that in 99.9% of the cases the digital just complicates things and makes it more error prone.  I miss the beautiful simplicity of my #2.
Thanks for all the advice!  I just placed an order for a #3 analog!  Can't wait until it arrives and I can try it out.

Hope everyone is staying safe.
Welcome from Delaware, HawkFan70!  I think you will find the #3 perfect for your needs.  Let us know when you are up and running, and we love pics here!  Cheers