Hello from Indiana


New member
I found this forum while looking into Smokin-it smokers and thought I should join and introduce myself and not just lurk. 

I've been trying to hone my bbq/smoking skills for about 20 years.  While doing so, I have had a number of different set ups. 

Currently, I have a Workhorse model 1969 offset stick burner. 

I am looking for an electric smoker that will compliment the offset. 

There are times that I cannot or do not want to have to closely mind and maintain a fire for hours to keep a consistent temperature. An easy to use, top quality electric, gas, or pellet smoker comes to mind. 

However, I have not been happy with prior electric, gas or pellet smokers I have purchased, used, or have seen others operate.  Most are terrible quality, overpriced junk that does not last, is poorly insulated, poorly designed, leaks heat and smoke in the absence of extensive modifications, and delivers overall unsatisfactory results. 

So far the Smokin-It models look to be good candidates for what I am hoping to find.  I hope to learn more before deciding what model, if any, to purchase.


Welcome Bart from SE Arizona.  The smokers from SI are solid built.  I noticed your concern about smoke leakage. I had some leakage on my Cookshack Amerique at the top of the door, mostly are the corners.  Over time and usage, accumulated smoke residue all but eliminated it.  Same with my model 3. There are no gaskets; just a strong compression fit/seal.  Perfectly normal. And the smoke will bathe the meat on its way through the smoker to the top and out the smoke hole and/or slight gap in the door deal.  Not a problem. I mention that now because it is a concern of some folks when they get their smoker.

Let us know if we can help in any way.
Welcome to the forum.
Like Old Sarge, I had some leakage around the door on both my #3 and #1.  The #3 still has a few wisps of smoke that come out the door when it is cold, but they soon stop as it warms up.
I subscribe to the Lazy Q mode of cooking.  Put the meat in, turn on the smoker, wait for 5 hours in the case of ribs or the temp alarms on my thermometer.  No peaking, no stoking wood, no spritzing, just leave the door closed.
Hi Bart and welcome from the Florida Keys. I own a couple of Model 3s which I have had for six or years now. They are very well built units and easy to repair-which I have not had to do. They are also very easy to modify if you are so minded-which I have done to bypass the stat if I want to use an Auber for higher temperatures or cold smoking. Overall I am very happy with the unit and I think you will be too.
Welcome from central TX! I too have smoke leakage sometimes at the top of the door until the unit warms up, then it stops. I added an external Auber to my #2 analog and love that I can program it cook meats to a specified internal temperature, then turn off or go to a 140* "hold warm" mode so I don't even have to be home when it finishes.
The Smokin-It smokers are built as well as any I’ve ever seen. I have had mine for going on 2 years now. I keep it outside on a covered porch and it still looks like new. The insulated smoke chamber is done extremely well and allows you to cook and maintain temperature in sub freezing temps. I have been very satisfied with the build quality and the fit and finish. I’ve not had any smoke leakage at all. Welcome to the forum!
old sarge said:
Welcome Bart from SE Arizona.  The smokers from SI are solid built.  I noticed your concern about smoke leakage. I had some leakage on my Cookshack Amerique at the top of the door, mostly are the corners.  Over time and usage, accumulated smoke residue all but eliminated it.  Same with my model 3. There are no gaskets; just a strong compression fit/seal.  Perfectly normal. And the smoke will bathe the meat on its way through the smoker to the top and out the smoke hole and/or slight gap in the door deal.  Not a problem. I mention that now because it is a concern of some folks when they get their smoker.

Let us know if we can help in any way.

Thanks for the information and the welcome, it appears from the comments in the forum that the quality of the build is impressive, and a little leak of smoke or heat around the door at first is not going to be a huge issue for me.  I have seen set ups that have to almost be rebuilt by the buyer just to be of practical use. 
Limey said:
Hi Bart and welcome from the Florida Keys. I own a couple of Model 3s which I have had for six or years now. They are very well built units and easy to repair-which I have not had to do. They are also very easy to modify if you are so minded-which I have done to bypass the stat if I want to use an Auber for higher temperatures or cold smoking. Overall I am very happy with the unit and I think you will be too.

Thanks for the welcome.  This forum seems like a very useful and helpful place to get the most out of the smoker. 
Lonzinomaker said:
Welcome to the forum.
Like Old Sarge, I had some leakage around the door on both my #3 and #1.  The #3 still has a few wisps of smoke that come out the door when it is cold, but they soon stop as it warms up.
I subscribe to the Lazy Q mode of cooking.  Put the meat in, turn on the smoker, wait for 5 hours in the case of ribs or the temp alarms on my thermometer.  No peaking, no stoking wood, no spritzing, just leave the door closed.

Thanks for the post.  A tighter fighting door without a gasket seems hard to imagine.  I like the idea of Lazy Q.  Sometimes a 12+hour smoke timed to deliver good food to a gathering involves more effort than my aging boidy wants to make and so this sounds like a great addition to the smoking hobby for me!
lcdearman said:
Welcome from central TX! I too have smoke leakage sometimes at the top of the door until the unit warms up, then it stops. I added an external Auber to my #2 analog and love that I can program it cook meats to a specified internal temperature, then turn off or go to a 140* "hold warm" mode so I don't even have to be home when it finishes.

Thanks for the welcome and info.  To operate the unit like you mention you use yours (cook to an internal temp and then have it turn into a hold mode at 140) something that the current wifi unit will do or does it take an after market modification? 
OldeSmoker said:
The Smokin-It smokers are built as well as any I’ve ever seen. I have had mine for going on 2 years now. I keep it outside on a covered porch and it still looks like new. The insulated smoke chamber is done extremely well and allows you to cook and maintain temperature in sub freezing temps. I have been very satisfied with the build quality and the fit and finish. I’ve not had any smoke leakage at all. Welcome to the forum!

You answered a question I had -- operating it in sub freezing temperatures.  Glad to hear that is not a problem and that you have been happy with the build quality.  Thanks for the welcome!
Bart, I purchased an analog model due to budget, but I believe the digital models have the electronics built in that allow the programming and cook-to-temperature. The wifi models add wifi connectivity so you can use a smart phone app to program and monitor the cook. I believe that the Auber I added is the same electronics as the wifi models, just external. That allowed me to add it later when I had some extra $$$ to spend. I did have to modify the smoker slightly, but it wasn't that big of a deal. Drilling holes in the stainless was the hard part for sure.

Being an engineer, I love to see how the PID is performing and see the graphs of the cook. I've attached a few screenshots from a recent prime rib cook. My target IT was 135* and I started the cook at 150* for 30 minutes, then went to 200*, and later "manually" dropped the smoker to 180*. The dashed red line is the smoker set point, the solid red line is the actual smoker temp, the blue line is the IT of the meat, and the dashed green line is the % output to the burner. My cook was going faster than I wanted, so at 14:36 I turned the smoker from 200* to 180*. The best part is that I did that from my recliner, but I could have even been anywhere.


  • Prime Rib Screenshot 1.PNG
    Prime Rib Screenshot 1.PNG
    58.2 KB · Views: 97
  • Prime Rib Screenshot 2.PNG
    Prime Rib Screenshot 2.PNG
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Welcome from Delaware, Bart!  You have found the right place, and we have lots of good information on the forum boards.  I have had a SI #2 for about 8 years now and it is still going strong.  Don't hesitate to ask questions!  Cheers
Thanks for all the help and information.  I have ordered a 3D-wifi.  I am looking forward to learning more as I get to using it and enjoying the barbecue that I will cook in it. 
old sarge said:
Enjoy your smoker. What do you plan for the inaugural smoke?

I will likely do a small pork butt for pulled pork.  I am pleased with the smoker from a build quality and design aspect, I am seasoning it today and hope to give it the inaugural smoke tomorrow.
Great choice.  You may have experienced the stall on other units but if not do not panic when it looks like the temp is stuck at around 170 degrees.  It will slowly climb out of it.  If you have an instant read thermometer, you can double check temp when your patience starts to wear thin (I do that from time to time).
The first cook was a great success!

3.8 pound bone in pork butt. 

Prep:  hog waller rub with yellow mustard binder, fat cap cross hatched, let sit in fridge for 12 hours.

5-6 ounces of cherry wood.

Water in foil container on bottom next to wood box.

Cook:  225 for 6.5 hours until hit 160, wrapped in foil and sprayed with juice and cooked for another 4 hours until it hit 199, then wrapped in another layer of foil and let rest in cambro for 2 hours. 

I was thinking of not wrapping it mid cook but I wanted to follow my usual method for comparison.

Results:  moist and tender, even a little smoke ring and decent smoke flavor. 
Congratulations on your first smoke and success!  You are off and running, and I see many more successful smokes in your future.  Cheers