Hello from Canada Eh!


New member
Fedex showed up today with my 88lb bundle of joy. Got it unboxed and assembled and ready to season. Sadly it won't be until saturday but while its seasoning I will be brining something from the treasure trove of recipes in this forum.

I had planned to drive down in the spring, buy it, and bring it back over the border but Covid kinda put a crimp in those plans.

I only have a little experience with smoking, having owned a weber bullet. Mostly ribs and fish. Planning to do a lot more now.  :D

Love the forum (been lurking since last fall) and looking forward to getting to know y'all.

Welcome, Eh! From the sunny southwest and the Land of Enchantment!

Enjoy that first cook! And the many after!
Thanks all. We got a ton of rain that kind of put a damper on our bass opener. Looks like I'll be using today the season the smoker. Trying to decide what my first smoke will be.
Ribs are always a great choice for a first cook. They are Easy to smoke and not to long of a cook. And the best part, they are yummy :)

Hope the weather allows for you to get that cook in!
Thanks Jeremy.

I went with chicken because I wanted to try a wet brine. I've always been more of a dry brine guy. We also had ribs last weekend.

I used the basic elements of the Lazy-Q brine and made some modifications. I'll post my recipe after. Will try to take pics as well.
TexasSMK said:
How you doo'n-now!  Sorry, a favorite line from Letterkenny! Welcome from Maryland.

I am about (aboot?) an hours drive from that area. Love that show. Trailer Park Boys is pretty good too.