Hello.....and questions before purchase...


New member

My name is Johnny and I'm from NC.  I'm looking at the SI#2 and I'm wading into controversial territory.  I was an "egg" guy for several years, but recently added a gasser back into the mix for grilling.  I missed the ease of gas and honestly got tired of everything tasting like charcoal (there, I said it).  So now my egg is sitting somewhat dormant and only gets used occasionally for smoking (and a steak here or there).  As everyone is aware, the egg is a bit of trouble when it comes to a long smoke-- not too much, but like the ease I've found with the gasser for grilling, the SI-2 has me contemplating the ease of an electric smoker.  So, the controversy comes in because you are never allowed to discuss getting rid of an egg--- its hard to get some objective opinions from egg owners.  My questions for you are--- for those who have used both, how does the SI stack up to the egg in terms of flavor, moisture, etc.?  I understand about the smoke ring (not concerned), but am I going to miss the egg for flavor?  Are there any downsides in the comparison?  Oh, and I'm not allowed to get an SI unless I get rid of the egg, so I can't get it and then decide, or just keep both.  This is a true first world dilemma.  Thanks for your opinions/input!
I don't have an "Egg", so can't give you a comparison. But, I can tell you that in general the electric smokers take a lot of the hassle out of your smoking so that you can focus more on the rubs and ingredients that you are smoking. This is where the real flavor comes in as well as really being able to tell the difference when you vary your smoking woods. You lose the charcoal flavor, but the smoked wood flavor will actually be deeper and more flavorful.

The set it and forget it attribute is where the SI really shines. For example, when I smoke a Boston Butt I put it in the smoker around midnight crank it up to 225. Then I go to sleep knowing that it will stay at the perfect temperature all night long and by mid-afternoon my butt will be ready to pull and rest for 2 hours prior to my evening meal. I never had such moist and flavorful Boston Butts prior to the SI. I have used cheap electrics and propane (no charcoal) smokers and the SI blows them all out of the water.

Plus, it is so easy to use, I find that I use it way more than my other smokers. I think many who have come from other smoking devices will tell you that they use their SI more than their previous smokers. This is a good selling point to the wife ;)
Thanks a bunch, NDKoze.  I actually had a red Weber electric way back when, but it's been too long for me to remember and compare.  The idea that it will get more use because it's easy is something I hadn't thought about.  I'll be more likely to put something on busy weekend day if I don't have to tend to it.  And for the overnight cooks--- I've done that with the egg and sworn it off after too many trips out in the cold to adjust the temp. 

I do have a question about temperature.  I've read that there are some fairly wide temperature swings with the analog thermostats (compared to the competitors' digital, etc.).  Has this been an issue for you or anyone else?  I'm not really interested in getting a smoker and then having to buy other stuff to modify it.

And speaking of temperature, do you ever wish you could go higher than 250?

Thanks again.
I have a #2 (for about 2 years now) and typically see temp swings in the +/-20F range, but over time the temp averages out at my set temp, so I don't worry about it.  I just watch for the desired IT of the meat that am smoking, or for ribs where I don't monitor IT, I just let them go for 5 hours and then check them.    You could purchase an Auber that holds temps within a couple of degrees, but I have not tried it.
I know what your going thru.  I just purchased a S2 after spending 10 years with a Weber Smokey Mountain.  Just moved the Weber to the garage yesterday to clean it up.  I only have a few smokes on the electric but it looks like the Weber will go on Craigslist in a few weeks.  I was getting tired of the charcoal and baby sitting the vents to hold a constant temp.  Wind can really play havoc with a charcoal smoker. I did a chicken yesterday with the electric, 18 mph wind gusting to 28 wind chill 26 degrees.  Smoker temp ramped up to 250 in one hour and stayed right on 250 for the whole cook.  Did not vary one degree.
      I read as much as I could on this forum and decided to purchase the Auber Controller with a fixed probe and do the by pass right out of the shoot before my first smoke.  Best decision I ever made.  Others will chime in that are using the stock controller.  It is so easy compared to what I was doing it almost a no brainer.  I'm doing a pork butt tomorrow and I'll be able to tell you a little more about the flavor.  The chicken was probably the most tender moistest bird I have ever had.  Skin sucked but I'll work on that along with everbody else.  It is truly a set it and forget BBQ.  Excellent quality at a good price also. 
  I also told the wife I would sell the Weber to get her on board.  I'll make that final decision after I do my Pork butt and a few briskets.  I loved the "High Heat Brisket" on the weber.  Good luck with your decision.
I have an auber & I like it. However, my end product is NOT any better because of it. It is not necessary, at all! I dont use it for ribs or sausage. Primarily I use it for primal cuts (longer smokes) to give me some extra assurance that I dont actually miss removing @ the desired temp while working in the yard, fishing, sleeping, etc. Being able to program it to reduce to a holding temp upon reaching a desired IT is what I find has value for me. I used my #2 for over a year without one so I believe my baseline for comparison is solid.
The temp swings are really nothing to worry about. Like Steve said, the temps average out and in the end, I don't think the finished product would be any different in an Auber smoker verses an Analog Controller smoke.

The only time that the swings may make a difference is with Fish or Jerky. The difference between 140 and 160 can be a problem for Fish/Jerky.

I will probably eventually get an Auber. But, it is actually the last thing on my list of things to get. I have previously bought extra shelves, seafood shelves, Jerky Dryer, new side rails with more shelf racks, etc. I'm to the point now where the Auber is pretty much the only thing I haven't bought. So, I'll probably get one. But it will be more for the programmability features that it offers than trying to eliminate the temp swings.
A point I would add that others have mentioned before. I have heard of others debating on whether to get a #2 with an Auber or a #3 and get the Auber later.

For sure get the smoker that you want and get an Auber down the road if you can't afford it all up front. It is a really cool gadget, but not necessary to product great BBQ.
I had an egg until a few days ago when I bought my #2. While I loved the egg (13 years and still worked perfect) it was a lot of work and I was not using it as much as I used to.

I do my first smoke tonight so I will let you know, but I have high hopes!

The Auber is what makes my #2 a really amazing piece of equipment.  I can tell it to cook something for me then crank the heat down to just warm until I get back to it.  Or like for a party we're having on Sat I'm going to start it on a delay so it starts smoking an 8lb brisket about 4am so the finish time is around 2-6pm after rest.  All I have to do is set the program (while sober), toss the brisket on the smoker at a defined time Friday night, and walk away until time to pull and wrap Sat afternoon.  That level of simplicity would be impossible with an egg or gasser.
I have smoked on many different units but never a Big Green Egg or comparable model. My smoking past includes: Offset units, Trager Pellet Grill, Brinkman Top Loader, Bradley Puck Burners, Weber Grills and converted oil barrels. Nothing smokes as easy or consistent compared to my SI #3. These SI will do things you wouldn't consider trying in a BGE.

I have a standard Model #3 no Auber. I get great consistent results. Food is plenty moist and very delicious. Last I smoked bacon all night at 80 degrees. This morning after 12 hours of cold smoke I turned the #3 up to 200. After two hours I returned and took out my bacon that was a perfect 150 Internal Temp. Repeatable quality while being super easy to use is what makes an SI so special.
Attached is a picture of the bacon.



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