
G man

New member
I had thought I had already done my introductions, but today I discovered it was on some other board.

I've been smoking for about 25 years, with a brinkman style (what I call an R2D2 water/charcoal smoker).  Nothing fancy at all, but the food came out well.  Always did Turkey and Pulled Pork on Thanksgiving, and maybe another shoulder or two throughout the year.  Loved the food, but the time and planning it took for charcoal was always a bit of a hassle.  This Thanksgiving I did the same and my turkey was the worst ever.  Ok, I started thinking it might be time for a different smoker.  A few weeks later I unexpectedly found myself SouthWest Texas at a ranch and the host of the camp had this funny looking stainless steel box on wheels.  Curious as I am, I started asking some questions and discovered it was a Cookshack.  The ribs he made were great, (except he wrapped the ribs for the last 2.5 hours and no bark).  Anyway, it got me thinking about electric and that is how I ended up with a Smokin-it.

A few weeks later I ordered the #2, and in a couple weeks have smoked a Butt, Turkey, Chicken, several ABT's, (with both poblano's and jalapeno peppers), and today am smoking some trout and have a full packer brisket in brine for Saturday.  Having a great time with this little gem.

Located in about 50 miles west of St. Louis, Misery.  (Go Cubs)
Wow G Man,you're getting after it!  I probably don't need to ask,but how did all that turn out? ;-)

Welcome from Dallas/Fort Worth area!  Carl
kz0m said:
Wow G Man,you're getting after it!  I probably don't need to ask,but how did all that turn out? ;-)

Very Well.  First time I ever brined a butt....or anything for that matter.  Butt was by far the best.  Turkey was brined too and was pretty darn good.  Chicken (no brine), even juicier than the Costco Rotisserie birds.  All is good!
Welcome from Dallas/Fort Worth area!  Carl
Welcome, G!  Glad to have you here, neighbor!

Now that you have found us, how about a first name and town in your signature line?  As you've probably noticed, we're pretty informal and friendly around here! 8)
I smoked for about 15 years on a Weber Smokey Mountain (bullet-style charcoal water smoker). So I can relate to dedicating an entire day to prep, monitoring, adjusting, etc. I didn't mind so much in the summer, if it was a nice day (never used it in the winter). But for brisket, I got almost no sleep, constantly adjusting the vents all night long as the outdoor temperatures, wind etc changed. It made some pretty decent Q, but the SI makes better. And it's WAY easier.

I'm wondering if you might have purposely sabotaged that Turkey this Thanksgiving!
Welcome from KCMO.  I kept thinking about getting a smoker but always came to the same conclusion...I was waaaay too lazy to smoke in any of the traditional manners.  I started researching electrics thinking maybe it would put out something between the pulled pork I was doing in the oven (with liquid smoke) and a "real" smoker but these boards convinced me to give it a go and I (despite not believing Tony and Co. that I would) quickly forgot not only the shipping cost, but what I paid for the smoker beyond a ballpark figure.  Now I can be lazy AND have great Q!
Expertise?  That is nice....
I do have a bit of knowledge when it come to takin' some pictures!!  I'm pretty good at that.

Always looking to learn more about smokin'....