I've got a few breasts in the freezer and was thinking about doing some. Figured brinning might moisten them up some. What do you all think? Temps times etc?
Brining is critical for any wild game. I would double the brine time for pheasant breasts vs chicken breasts. So if you brine chicken breasts for 4 hours, then I would brine pheasant for about 8 hours, or overnight. Same smoke times and temps. Smoke at 225-250 until internal temp of 165.
I do split pheasants when I have them. I marinate them in a soy sauce, brown sugar and garlic mixture overnight. We slice them thin when cold and serve it with wine, cheese & crackers.
I think wild pheasant is better in a pressure cooker than in a smoker. My mother was an expert in working up the best pheasant and she used a pressure cooker.