I also received the free rib hooks with my #1. The feeling I get on the forum is that folks don't really use them, at least for ribs, but they might have some other clever uses for them. My personal preference is for my ribs to be quite tender, so I've been afraid to use them, thinking my ribs would all be laying the bottom of the smoker once done to my preference. With my #1, I need to cut my racks in half to fit flat on the shelves, so... I can get 3 full racks of baby backs or St Louis, or 1-1/2 to 2 full spares per smoke, and so far, that has been adequate for my needs. I feel like with the rib hooks, I'd get about the same capacity with my #1, so I don't see much advantage to using them. But you might get more capacity with the rib hooks/vs flat on shelves with the #2. Maybe there is enough height to hang full racks of baby's? #2 owners will chime in.