Grouper 1st try


I always enjoy making a meal that is amazing, but thought I would post my results on smoke that I would only rate at about 6, maybe 7 on a scale to 10.

Last night I took my first pass at smoking fresh Grouper. I had four filets about 6 oz. each that I brined for 1 one. Removed from brine, add additional BBQ seasoning and then brushed with olive oil. Place filets and smoked until temp was 145 degrees. I removed from the smoker and allowed to rest for 3-4 minutes. The end result a bit on the salty side and too much smoke.

Next time around, I would use less wood (maybe 1 oz.) and lower salt in brine and only brine for 30 minutes. Still was a good dinner, but my wife said she like them on the grill better. Another thought I had was to only smoke until 125 degrees, remove and then reverse sear on the grill.

3 cups water
3T sea salt
1.5 T bbq seasoning
3 T brown sugar

Smoker temp: 220 degrees
1.8 oz. mix wild apple and mulberry

I figure when given lemons make lemonade or at least Greek Chicken :)

I took the remainder of the grouper and made Smoked Fish Dip. Turned out really decent, if you are interested I posted the recipe under appetizers.


Hey Greg, next time you might want to try cooking at 190 degrees. I think you will notice a big difference in taste and smoke. Also, see how much salt was in your rub. That could have made it over salty. I always try to use a no salt rub when I am brining fish and very little of that.
I agree with your wife, should have grilled it. I prefer grouper on a hot grill with quality lump charcoal, served a toasted bun some Basil-Mayo, sweet onion, lettuce and tomato.
Barrel99 said:
Hey Greg, next time you might want to try cooking at 190 degrees. I think you will notice a big difference in taste and smoke. Also, see how much salt was in your rub. That could have made it over salty. I always try to use a no salt rub when I am brining fish and very little of that.

Hey Arnie,

Next time I will try the lower temp, my rub is pretty low salt about 4 percent, I think the fish just picked up to much brine :)
